Well guys I promised some photos and such and some more vids, and here we are. Up above is easily the most popular car in WuHan. It's the citroen ZX, many citizens drive these and all of the taxi's are this same car. It has a 1.4L in line 4 cylinder, 5 speed manual trans, comes in an array of colors (Yes even yellow), and comes in a hatchback as a sport edition. It may not look like much but the fact is these are great cars, they are quick and nimble and seat about 5. Easily more of these on these streets than anything else.

Here we have what I would call a very "common" type of motorcycle in WuHan. Kinda a big bike, holds lots of fuel, and almost all of them have trunks for the helmet or a few items. Now back home a bike like this may have a 1000 CC engine in it. This bike only has a 150, you can see it nuged in there, just a small, loan, solitary cylinder. This is good enough for most people as I have explained in my motorcycles in China post. Some bikes even get a little bigger than this.

Now I'm not sure what you call these bikes but they are very popular, and very fast. Notice there is no up tube that the fuel tank normally sits on. Instead the tank hangs off the downtube, and there is a little rack there for holding things. Notice the engine is tiny, prolly only 48 CC. Now the only difference between these bikes and a conventional motor scooter is a transmission. Motor scooters are all one gear, so the only way to get a motor scooter that will go faster is to get one with a big engine, these bikes have these tiny 48 cc engines, but they have a 3 or 4 speed trans so they literally hall ass on very little power, they sound alright too. I wouldn't want to get in an accident on one of these, but this is prolly the bike I would ride around. Now the videos
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HW-Klk9wnGk this is a vid of me showing off a couple of love notes Tom's students made him, yes teenage girls love Tom in this country. Boy just when you think things are going to be different.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3zmAr3PLGE This one is of us getting drinks outside work, I go into a brief discussion about Fu Dogs/Lions.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7GWFJYoq-w This one is of us eating some Mongolian beef at a place called "Next To Bob's" on Zhong Nan San Lu. It's near our place. Baaska would prolly say this isn't traditional but damn it was awfully good.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xABrYS6BEs This one is the first part of our Halloween party, not great but you'll get the idea
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgJuFN9aIOg The second part of the halloween party, the carnage, better lighting
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifxaJb-FTKs Right after the Halloween party in Hong Shan park, Tom's in his Sith/Jedi outfit. It's kinda dark but I think you will get the idea, it's amazing that all these things have been built from scratch in the park for the mid autumn festival.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsuyGgcmsjY this is the first video in Daft Punk's interstella 5555 series (The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem). It is dance music but it has a rock beat and the video's are just amazing so I will try and post all 14 of them at some point. They literally tell a whole story with just music.
Anyhow guys that's it for now, hope you enjoy