Been a while

Sorry it's been a while for a post guys but things have been really busy around here, I have a date tonight so I am going to make this short and update this post from the cafe tonight. Got a couple more pictures of motorcycles for you. The top one is a police bike with a side car and a russian engine. All of the sidecar bikes seem to have a place for a spare tire, kinda handy. The second bike is just a cruiser with a little 150 CC engine in it. the driver seat is missing the leather on it so he just covered it with plastic, that happens a lot here. Motorcycles are about the cheapest and all around easiest way to get around, more reliable and faster than scooters, and not as expensive as a car, really popular. Here is a video for you guys demonstrating the number of taxi's in WuHan
Damn right!
I do get your blog right, thank you, and I do ask you questions.
Jealousy is not flattering and you should just let it be. We have been commenting on each of your blogs and who cares if some of the facts are wrong, you are hearing from home from people who are trying to take an interest in both of you. Quit taking it so personal when someone doesn't understand and you might get more comments and yes, we do not like the cussing, never have and never will.
If the school has a nurse you should go there and see if you can get something for your cold or allergy. If not ask Ola if she can get you something.
Never afraid to comment,
The police motorcycle is kind of neat. It doesn't look like it provides much leg room though. It reminds me of the cartoons that they used to have out with the side cars. Good pictures.
Like the saying goes.."Live it..or live with it"
It's electric
Good karma, bad karma...what the hell's the difference once the brain's tuned out.
Do your's uniquely yours to mold.
Have fun...enjoy others and %#@* the rest. It's not important.
Love you son
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