Thursday, September 28, 2006

It wasn't me

Wasn't me that puked grandma, we were sitting around waiting for our dumplings when some random guy came in the restaurant and puked everywhere. I haven't puked since I came to China and that is saying allot, sake is Japanese Grandma (We talked about this at your place once.) I am not saying you can't get it ... Well I doubt you can order it in a restraunt, maybe a bar and I think I have seen bottles in stores but for many many yuan. The popular drink around here is Bai Jyo, 56% alchohol and you get respect in bars if you drink it.
Speaking of Japan, they are changing priministers, the new priminister is a very bold and stron individual from what I understand. He has promissed to stop going to the war memorial (this has been a big deal to china for a long time). He is also planning on revamping Japan's militatry from what I understand. This has China on it's toes, not to mention Japan loaned China like a Billion Yuan for the olympics. So they will be entering talks to improve relations soon, perhaps Asia can be Asia again. Anyhow it's our last day before we get a few days off for national holiday, but it's a full day so I gotta run

Grave Of the Firflies

Great movie about wartime Japan, Back when people actually cared about 2d animation. Fair warning it's not a happy film, but it does remind us that we are capable of great cruelty, and loss can be a very painful thing. Sometimes painful enough to make one not wish to go on.

On a brighter note, Autumn is coming to Wuhan. As hot as it is the leaves are leaving the trees and everything is transforming from green to reds and golds. I am told there is a gradual change in temperature between summer and autumn but we will just have to see. Have 5 days off coming up for the national holiday. Was hoping not to spend ti with a cold but we will just have to see. Well gotta get back to class check you all later.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Sorry guys very ill

Sorry guys I am very sick today and in China that is a big deal. I understand that my life will change, and thank all of you for pointing it out, I had absolutely no idea that would happen. I mean what with people saying it all the time and such. Guys I know, but I think maybe I want to get used to China a little more, it's barley been a month. I dunno how far the puke went, and I don't wanna know. Ask Tom he had a better view, I tried as best as I can to describe where we are both at work and at home in one of my posts. I have asked allot of people and acording to what they tell me "If it runs on gas you have to register it". I have no interest in driving here right now, listen guys I will update later I really have to plan for a class.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Day off

It's a day off and payday, first one, so I don't have much time. Will try and post more tomorrow.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


I wanted to add that I paid 9 dollars USD (68 Yuan) for a stick of deoderant the other night. Not popular here, I might also add that China smells somwhere between a sewer and a dumpster. If you get near eateries it isn't so bad though

The school and shopping

We teach very young children up to adults, we use a grading system but as we are just starting courses I am not privy to how it works yet. I believe we have parent teacher meetings, I believe half way through the course. Younger students are easier to keep control of than teens in my opinion and adults are there by choice. Teens are just a hard group to work with, as for shopping. There is in fact a wal-mart but it's far away from where we live, Carrefour is very similar and within walking distance. Tom hates it but I go there allot they have all kinds of things one level is restraunts, the next is electronics appliances and transportation, and the last is food. Things are expensive there but now and then you find a good deal, if I were going to buy meats it would be there or wal-mart rather than on the street. There is another store here called Metro but it's very far away, I hear this is the best place to buy western style foods and such. Generally if your hungry you just go down the street for some fried noodles or rice, these run you about 3 yuan (about 36 cents USD) for a decent amount. They have Chinese doughnuts on a stick for 1 yuan (12 cents USD). Nothing special but not bad, there is almost no point in cooking here in china, I plan to, but if you can afford to go out and eat everyday you do it. Most people go by this method, no dishes to worry about, the food is good, and you can usually get it just like you want. I wouldn't buy anything but sausages or ground beef right now though, some of these meats are left open in bins and such, creepy.

Chinese Students

Nothing like students in the US at all. I wouldn't call them disrespectful really, but they do like to get into trouble. For example if you want to play a game with them that involves a ball of some type, two things are going to happen. There will be utter chaos for several minutes with no order, and second someone will get hurt. No matter how much you emphasize not to throw the ball at each other, inevitably some one will throw it at some one else as hard as they can, as soon as they can. They also feel that keep the ball from teacher is a very funny game, or backing you into a corner with their desks is quite popular from what I understand. But that is why we have work books and if they would rather work out of their books all the time rather than have fun occasionally then that is fine with most of us, as we would rather teach anyway. Once you let them get bored to tears a few times they tend to do as they are asked more often. It will always be a rough class with bored students. The last thing I want to be is a jerk, but at the same time their parents pay allot for them to come here, anyhow later

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Movies/Theater/TV in china

Well Theaters I have in idea of right now, I haven't asked but I am sure they are here. They are most likely expensive and of course will be in Chinese. Karaoke is very popular here, I was at a place called K-TV last night and was actually drunk enough to grab a mic and start singing. Karaoke seems dumb to me but the people here can't get enough of it. Most of these places have private rooms that you rent for a few hours. Movies on the other hand are available by several methods, there are theater's but often the movies have been dubbed in Chinese and relatively of course, they are kinda expensive. Keep in mind that China doesn't get movies at the same time the states does, if they get them at all. When they do get them they have often been heavily edited, and are often not worth seeing in the end. Probably the best way to get movies is to purchase them at shops, you can get a first run movie, usually uncut, of reasonable quality on DVD for about 1 or 2 yuan 12-24 cents American. If you ask me watching a movie in the privacy of your own apartment beats being in a Chinese movie theatre, kinda vulgar people occasionally and they love spitting, everywhere. One of the problems with this is it isn't exactly legal and often the government is pressured to put a stop to it, from what I understand the united states government of all things. Most of the movies being sold are American movies as the Chinese movies we get in the states have been available for legitimate purchase, sometimes for several years here. For example Jet Li's movie HERO was an old movie here by the time we got it. Now Chinese television may be the most interesting thing overall, especially if you have Cable here. They have these soap opera's that aren't really soap opera's as much as they are martial arts epochs about the Mongol hoards attacking China or something like that, very interesting. They have normal soap opera's to, these are centered more on comedy that the ones in the states. Chinese comedy is much like British comedy and really doesn't do anything for me, there is a local Wuhan channel that broadcasts all animated stuff, from Disney to Batman the animated series. I really like this channel, however I only see the same shows on it. There is BRAVO which is kinda like China's version of southpark, there is ultraman which is a Japanese show that they dub in Chinese, this is that power rangers style of animation with people in suits. The girls are cute and it's good for a laugh. And there is this very old 70's era Japanese anime that deals with these three woman (Also gorgeous in an animated 70's way) who lead other lives as secret agents. This is also dubbed in Chinese, believe it or not my Japanese is still better at this point and I could understand it a bit better if they left it alone, but the fact is the Chinese hate the Japanese and there is no way they are going to allow that to happen. You have to have some onions to even drive a Japanese car or motorcycle here, your going to catch some flak. Tom and I tend to watch a movie every night, but honestly China is beautiful enough at night to just go see on it's own. I have also been to my share of bars and clubs, last night I told a Chinese girl that she was very beautiful in Spanish and brought tears to her eyes. There is always allot of loud music, pretty women, free booze (Especially for a foreigner), Homosexual men (Generally you pick these guys out pretty fast, they dance better than the women and are always trying to touch you, just something you get used to and deal with), and Drugs (People do some serious drugs here and it's just best to steer clear). Many people choose to do things like this instead of going to movies, guys take their girlfriends to movies here to impress them within the first couple dates, so I am sure there are all kinda of things going on in a movie theatre here that I would rather not be around. Anyhow hope that answers the questions, and Holly, thanks.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Well I guess this is going to be the way of it

1. I don't hate my country, but it has problems right now and I simply feel that where you live is irrelevant.

2. Of course China has problems, do you really think I'm some moron? There are some serious problems here.

3. HELLO! I did live on my own for a great while and covered all my bills, I even paid rent. It simply became to difficult to find better employment after I was laid off from RMH. If I had continued there and Carrie would have found work things wouldn't have been a problem. People in the valley are only concerned about hiring some guy they are related to, I tried to find better work than echostar but that was the best there was.

4. How exactly are you supposed to go to college out of state when you have no college fund, don't qualify for financial aid, and can't get scholarships. What, you think I didn't try?

This discussion is pointless and I don't want to have it any longer. At least I have gone and done something else with my fucking life, at least I have come somewhere that is frankly AMAZING in so many ways. Who really gives a fuck what my reasons are, all of Asia is at my beck and call I can afford to go wherever I want, whenever I want. I'm not trapped down there anymore and I'm well off, I pay all of my bills (My rent comes out of my salary). So I suppose I now meet all the criteria that is held dear by all the family back home. So Linda we can either drop this or I can turn the comment feature back off and then no one will be able to post anything, that's not what I want to do but I guarantee it will happen. I quite enjoy responding to Kevin and my fathers comments so I would hate to disappoint them and anyone else that may be interested in posting comments specifically about China, living here, and working here. My personal views on China and America, My personal life and how I have handled it are just that, personal and they are not a matter of public debate in this blog. If you wish to continue this discussion get my email address from Kevin and email me directly. Otherwise please keep with the spirit of the blog, nothing to comment on today, I feel I have said enough.

University and google earth

We don't work at a university, we work at a technical English school. I can't find it on google earth so I doubt you guys can. However somewhere after the second bridge there is a park/square, it's round and has a picture of a bird in the middle of it, we live about 2 blocks south of that, our school is about a block east of that. Yeah Linda your right, I made some bad decisions that made my life hard, I should have made different ones. I think I was more than clear about that in my first post, However, even if I had made different ones I don't know that I would be better off. I know many of you in the family are proud to be American's, I however do not share that pride, and honestly I never have, sorry but it's the truth. America has allot of problems right now, problems that I have no wish what so ever to let affect my life any longer. I won't go into all of it because we simply won't agree, I have been here with all of you before and it's an argument that I don't wish to have here on my blog. That isn't what this place is for, this place is here for you to find out a little about where I am, what I'm doing, and maybe learn a little something about another country. As it is unlikely that many of you will come here for one reason or another, this is simply the best I can do. As for comments about me "Becoming a man", or "Growing up". They are appreciated, however I think I should point out that I have been quite aware of the harsh and harmful reality of being an adult for a long time now, what I was unwilling to do was become like everyone else. Again I'm sorry but I have no interest in being "clean cut" or "Suit and tie", nor do I want to do the same damn thing everyday, I don't want to become part of a routine. Teaching is satisfying to me because it's not like that, there is no routine, your always teaching something new, something different. When your kids like you it's all the better. Not to mention I am a rich man here, relatively I pass up everyone I know at homes monthly salary. I can afford almost anything I want within a couple of checks, white color is a hard thing to give up and it's hard to get used to the look on someone's face when you pull out a 100 note here, again I am sorry if all of this sounds selfish, but again I was a loser at home, I couldn't have anything I wanted and had to mooch and live off people. If I have anything to do with it, NEVER AGAIN will I live that way. Now lets drop this line of discussion and move onto other things please.

I was sitting in Bob's restaraunt last night, waiting to have some dumplings. I was with Tom and some Co-Workers of ours when this guy comes in, walks a bit past us, and then projectile vomits everywhere. I hated China for just a moment, must have been to much Bai Jaou or something because people around here have no trouble at all drinking all the beer they want. Luckily Bob had a problem with someone puking all over his resteraunt. I couldn't understand all that was going on but I believe he was asked to leave. On the upside the dumplings were really good, anyhow guys gotta run and prepare for my night class.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Wuhan's Finest

I'm not sure how exactly to take, or respond to Dad's comment. So I am just going to say it like this. To my knowledge there is only one doughnut shop, they are pretty pricy so some high rollers do go in there, now and then some low rollers to. Families save up money for months to go to places like that, but this is how it is all over Wuhan. You can tell the people rolling around in the Audi's, Buick's, Peugeot's, and BMW's have some cash and everyone else doesn't. Wuhan for all it's glory is a seedy place and I think they would be proud to admit that. Walking around here you just get the feeling that there are things going on that shouldn't be, and it isn't always being hidden very well. I have seen all kinds of things being snorted off glass tables here and it hasn't even been a month yet. However, as long as you keep your head about you, you can't help but love Wuhan. As it is I never want to go home, I know I will have to some day, but stepping right into white color has been very nice. The fact is I'm a loser back home, here I am somebody, get allot of attention (I get propositioned by some of the lovely working girls of wuhan all the time, I haven't bought yet, and probably won't, but it's nice to be noticed). Compared to the states I make more money a month than anyone I know back home(On a relative level of course). Wuhan isn't the type of place where there are allot of famous people, Now if you were talking about the cops dad, they are far to busy doing other things. I am not going to say anything that may get me into trouble so I will just say it this way.

1.air conditioned police station food
3.cable TV
5.air conditioned squad cars with CD players.

That should give you an idea of what the cops do all day, not to mention the last thing any self respecting Chinese cop wants to do is act like an American cop. Well, it's getting on the late side here and I need some rest for class tomorrow so hope that cleared everything up about doughnut shops and cops in china.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Motorcycles in China

Yeah they are all over, except they have one thing in common. Most of the bikes around here don't go over the 250 cc range, this seems to be the most common displacement. And you definitely won't find much over 600 and those are rare. The Chinese have realized something about their transportation, In Wuhan and probably all of china there is so much traffic that there are very few opportunities to drive fast, perhaps you hit an open stretch of road now and then or get on the expressway but it isn't that often that you would get your vehicle over 35 or so, if even that fast. So when all is said and done a 250 CC bike can get you around this place just as fast as an 1800 CC bike, and honestly some of the bikes around here look pretty damn good for having such a small engines, scooters are very popular as well, electric and gas. People use motorcycles and scooters for everything from transporting the family to doing deliveries. It's not uncommon to see up to 3 people and an infant on even an electric scooter, some of the bigger bikes have sidecars, most of these are Russian bikes called Ural's, and many of the bikes around here have been modified to take the Russian Dneaper engines, 650 CC and shaft driven these bikes are big and they need a little extra power to get that side car around. We have even seen a military green BMW with a side car. Now some of these bikes have even smaller engines 70 or 80 cc's like the picture with the woman sitting on the back of the bike, and the engine is placed so the head can be cooled by the air better. You really would be surprised how fast those little bikes go. Anyhow maybe I will post some more pictures later, I think I may recognize the bike with the girl, that picture may be here in Wuhan. Not sure though

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Multinationalism in China

To answer keypunch comment, there is a Mickey d's, KFC, and Pizza Hut practically on every block around here. They do very well and the food is more or less the same, except it's way better here. The American Spicy Chicken sandwich doesn't even hold a candle to the Chinese one, there is a real piece of fried thigh meat in the sandwich that escapes the bun on all sides. The problem is that they are almost as much as in the states, Mickey d's knows how to make money Tom and I ordered 6 one day and it came to 63.00 RMB go to to do the conversion but I warn you it isn't, however we were very full. There are a few cultures here in China Muslim cultures believe it or not. My favorite noodle place is run by family of them and they make some of the best noodles around. Many people from Iraq are here right now as there is a war going on and all, many people in China have absolutely no idea what's going on in Iraq right now. You will find mostly Chinese food here but if your willing to walk, look, and pay you can have other things. Some of the best pizza I have ever had is at Mr. Doughnuts in Hankou, some of the best doughnuts too believe it or not, well guys running a little late for class, hope that answers the question.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Facial hair in China

It's odd but most guys around ehre don't seem to be able to grow facial hair before they are well into their 20's at least nothing worth speaking of. Some guys here don't seem able to grow it at all, Lots of old men have some pretty long beards. Just a little tidbit today I am awfully busy, in fact just on break from class right now.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Communication in China

Com,municating here is tough if you don't know the language at all, you can usually get it done by pointing and getting the price down by hand signals. People can count to 9 using one hand here (Usually the other hand is busy with things), However, most of the time you just don't know what people are saying and you just stand there looking at each other for a while. If your going to live in this country for any length of time past a month or two Chinese will be a must, at least enough to get by. as it is when I get in a taxi by myself and have someone else give the directions I am still a little worried about where exactlly I will end up. Maybe a little bit silly, but Wuhan is a very big place and the last thing I want to do is get left in some descolate part of it. Many Chinese people understand a little english as well, however they don't really speak it very well. Writing things down ocasionally is alright if they are a bit younger, most chinese students read and write english quite well. Hope that answers the question on communication in China, have a class to prepare for must go.

Another Day Another ... Yuan

It's more about the job than anything now, China is very fun and I love it here. However, I am finding it hard to go out and explore simply due to a lack of time. Hardest part about being a teacher is the planning and right now it's taking me allot more than 40 hours a week to get everything done. It's to the point where I am having to go home for an hour or two in the middle of the day just to have a little time to myself. Chinese students are very different to American ones as well, many of them can be very disrespectful. There is a kid talking and your standing right in front of him asking him to be quiet, all he does is look around you to talk to his friend. It's a battle at times and I find I am not much for teaching younger kids, I am sure it can be fun but right now it isn't for me. I love teaching students that are a little older in the 14 and up range, they seem to understand that these classes are trying to teach them something and if they would just listen they would learn. Some of the younger ones just look forward to break and not paying attention it seems, I told you guys it wasn't going to be fun and games. I'm to tired to go on about much right now. More tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Anyone can post comments now

Through one of Kevin's suggestions I was able to set up the blog to take anyone's comments you no longer have to register to do so. Now it will be possible for me to base my posts a little more on what you guys want to hear rather than me just talking. I should be notified by email when someone leaves me a comment, things have slowed down a little here it's more just about work now although tom and I did go out on the town a little last night. We found a park/shrine that you guys wouldn't believe, I hope to have pictures up soon. If you guys can't figure out how to leave comments I will put Kevin in charge of making sure everyone knows how so if you guys can;t figure it give him a call. Anyway things to do for class today so I must go, talk to you all tomorrow.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

High heel shoes

There are so many places in wuhan where you could get a stilleto heel caught. Most of the sidewalks are good but the fact is the stones for these are not doen well and there are large gaps around them. Also many of them are just broken. Soemhow these women manuver through some of th toughest terrain in these wicked high shoes. It's a wonder more people aren't falling here but honestly I haven't seen one person do it yet. I don't think I've even seen a child fall down and that is saying allot, kids tend to do that.
Classes have been good but a few have been a little rough. Some of these students are generally misplaced in the calsses, it's frustrating to have a class full of higher speaking level students and one of them can't speak a word of english, can't even say their english name. After I get my degree I would love to work at a university for a year so I can lecture and such, here it is more about having fun and playing games from time to time. That's all well and good but from time to time you just want to teach. Anyhow I will find our apartment on google earth for you guys and give you the cordinates, must prepare for class and all.

Like Fucking Bladerunner

Wuhan at night is like the city from bladerunner, almost as literally as you can get. Ridley Scott hit the nail on teh head for that one. I just hope I can get some photos up for you guys soon, and I promis I will. We may find a way to display them other than this blog as well, and the wuchang area of Wuhan isn't nearlly a bright and bustling as hankou. I still don't care for allot of activity and such, but it's nice to visit there now and then. If you take a cab it's kinda pricy around 25 yuan, not real pricy by american standards but you have to start thinking relativley when you move here. If you don't speak any chinese or know anyone that speaks decent english it can be real hard to get around. It's amazing that in a city where everyone walks allot they have no real footwear for doing so, people look at my boots and covit them a bit. Also in a city where there are tons of bicycles no one really rides one very well. They use them for everything from carrying a 10 foot long copper pipe to ... i dunno 30 gallons of water at a time. The water out of the tap in wuhan could literally kill you at the very least make you very sick. You shower with it and brush your teeth with it and maybe cook with it if you boil it but thats it. Odly enough 5 gallons of water runs you about a dollar (8 yuan) just like it does in the states. However, that includes delivery and the little chinese guy even puts it on the dispencer for you. So not to bad considering what you get. Vulgar acitivities seem to be very popular in Wuhan, spitting for example. Everyone does it and you can always catch someone doing it, Picking ones nose or digging around between ones buttocks are also very popular public activities. Carrying ones child around with a totally naked butt is also popular as it makes it easier for the child to ... well frankly shit where ever he needs to. However I still love this place, things like this are simply the way it's done here. Oh one other thing, if any of you come here the last thing you want to do is use a public toilet fi at all possible, pretty much just a hole in the ground guys. Anyway I have a calss to get off to talk at you all tomorrow.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Air conditioning

Not very popular in this country, central air doesn't really exist. At least not for homes or apartments, they do have little stand alone units that sit in the corner and do an alright job but fans aren't popular either so things don't circulate so well. I believe I mentioned that people here believe that drinking cold water is actually bad for you. However drinking boiling hot water in the summer time seems to be very good for you, you go to a resteraunt and you always get a picture of boiling hot water. I am actually getting to where I prefer my water hot to room temp, not sure why it just seems better that way. However you can always fill up a separate bottle and keep it in the frige. Speaking of refrigerators, in this country they are always very small and efficient and some of them even have an overheat light. It sucks when the frige overheats because then it quits cooling. I have had to resort to leaving a window open in our kitchen so that doesn't happen so much, still though it can take things up to a day or even two to get cool and expect at least a day to make ice, which you guessed it, is also extremely hard to get usually only provided upon request in this country and then you have to listen to a lecture in Chinese about how drinking cold water can harm you. I am going to get a digital camera or a PC with my first check, I can't afford both so it's a rough call. But within a couple months I will have both. I still intend to have Kevin ship me my computer as it will at least have some useful parts, I figure if I get the PC then at least I can get pictures up off toms camera phone, they aren;t great but it will be a good way for you guys to see where I live. My intention is to get back into photography, so most of my pictures will probably be in black and white (Sorry grandma and grandpa I still maintain that black and white makes a fine photo).
Started work yesterday, my students are great and they like me. Despite it being my first class some real learning went on and that is what counts in the end. I felt more fulfilled yesterday than all my days at echostar or RMH and I never intend to do that type of work ever again. I have those guys again today but my real worry is Saturday and Sunday when I have to teach younger kids. Tom has already done so and says it's a little rough, but with a max of two classes a day at 2 hours a piece it's not so bad, there is allot of free time and the class time goes by pretty quickly, my kinda work. Right now I am sitting at the school waiting for someone to pick up our passports for one of our permits. She was supposed to be here at 9 am but it's now 10:07, I hate how nothing ever happens on time here. That would be one thing that bothers the hell outta me about china so far.
Went out to Mr. Doughnuts with all the teachers from both the Wuchang School and the Hankou School (If you don't have any idea what that means then look up wuhan in wikipedia, it's banned here so I can't give you a link). Mr. Doughnuts actually had some of the best doughnuts and pizza I have ever had. I am not usually into hanging with co-workers, but frankly my boss requires it and really they are fine people. I really like them allot, more than any other group of people I have worked with anyhow. Being that this is my free time I had better have someone call this person to get her down here I do have to be here in a few hours and I'm not much for hanging around work when there is no need to so I am going to go if I have time I may get another post out later.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Start work

Well work starts today and I am just a little nervous, not as bad as I thought I would be but then again I haven't even met my students yet. When I am standing in front of them I am sure it will be very different, so we will just have to see how it goes. I am not expected to do super well my first time around so I am not to worried. Things are well here so far and I am even starting to feel a little better. I was supposed to have a little more induction before class today but it appears that this won't happen or at least that he is going to be very late. Things seldom happen on time in china if even at all. As planned as I am trying to make my life lately this has become a bit of an annoyance to me, even a problem in some cases. Here I am at school hours before my class starts waiting for my boss to give me pointers in teaching this class and help me prepare but he seems to be a no show, oh well I can only try my best I suppose. Not much in the way of plans today, didn't go out last night may go out tonight. Talked to mom and dad today, it was nice but they called a little early for us. Remember guys 13 hours ahead take your time, add an hour, and then change it to AM/PM the opposite of what you are in other words 6p.m. your time is 7 a.m. here. Still trying to sleep this cold off so I was still asleep then, soon we will have to get up that early though, our class load will increase at some point. Anyway all I have a class to prepare for. Remember see you all in Vegas in a years time.


All the walking kinda sux, it's good for us but the fact is it's about a mile to the nearest grocery store and carrying a bunch of groceries that far back through traffic that can be potentially fatal is rough sometimes. School is only a 15 minute walk, it's a nice walk too. Lets cover a little Chinese pricing while were at it. Soda comes in 2.25 ltr. Bottles here, one of those in a name brand will run you 6.80 yuan, divide that by 7.9 and yes, you get 2 and a quarter liters of Pepsi for 86 cents. Box of sugar cubes (Good Size) 4.80 yuan, yep 61 cents. It gets better and better, not to mention the advertising in china is just way better. Groups of gorgeous women on everything, it's really really good.
Everyone, I must point out that I keep getting requests for personal emails. I am here to inform you that sadly unless I need to ask any of you something specific this will not happen often, for one thing I'm working and don;t have internet at home yet. The only time I get online right now is here at the school and other people want to use these PC's. And if I get into sending a bunch of emails I won't update the blog, and that's important as I will be writing a book based on this blog. Secondly I know that many of you are going to have questions, I would rather you guys get a blogger account so you can just comment my posts, that way if your question has already been asked and answered no reason to ask. Now don't get me wrong of course I will send emails now and then, just don't expect it to be a common thing. I have also had requests for snail mails, sorry guys (you know who you are) but this won't happen, if you want to have a personal conversation send me an email and I will try my best to keep up with it. I am putting 40 miles on my feet a week as it is and I have no idea how to get mails out, nor do I want to pay for it, nor do I want to pay for a taxi to get to wherever I have to send it from. Sorry to be forward and potentially hurt feelings but that is just the way it is. A 2 lane street becomes a 4 lane street very easily here and the last thing I want to do is be crossing them any more than necessary. And again it's not that I won't do emails it's just that I won't do them about how things are going, do I like my job, how are my students, is it polluted? Guys shit like that is what this blog is for (I have prolly scared most of you away from even thinking of sending me an email at this point, but again not the point just don't ask me things you already know are here, again sorry to hurt feelings but I am a very busy person these days with a split schedule that's all over the place.
Now on to other matters, my first class is tomorrow afternoon, I'm almost terrified in a way. Some polish woman on the plane gave me a very nasty cold and I am really struggling with it, not to mention it's just hard to breath around here anyhow. I will only have a couple classes a day for a while but my teaching will work out to about 20 hours a week when all is said an done, a little more during the peak season (Only one day off then). If anyone wants to call the number is 87257822, you will have to look up how to call China because I really don't know and for Gods sake please use a calling card, this can get mighty expensive. Thomas and I are both off on Mondays and Tuesdays and remember 13 HOURS AHEAD!!! In a way we are in the future, so I am feeling really ill right now, I am being brought some meds later but I am going to go home for the night. Will be getting a digital camera soon and should begin to have plenty of pictures up, this place looks nothing like you would think, I'm sure you'll all be surprised. And remember "No matter where you go, there you are"
Love you all

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Hot like hell

This place is hot, yeah we are from texas but come on. You want humidity, spend one day during the summer in Wuhan. However when there is some cloud cover and a nice breeze it's quite cool. I'd say it's about 26 degree celcius today, mid seventies. Cooler outside with the breeze in fact, it's also nice to be able to get a beer for 26 cents, not cold but that is just the way it is. It's odd but people tend to like things room temp or hot around here, water coolers are not coolers as much as they are dispensers. In fact I have seen plenty of people drink their water hot, it's kinda crazy. You want cold water you put it in the fridge, it's not all so different but Ice is also a little hard to come by now and then. I'm getting used to the pace of life around here a little already, should have cell phone, internet and pc's soon. I will put my number up soon, honestly I don't know it off the top of my head yet. Today should be the last day for paperwork and all, may go out with some coworkers tonight, am liking

Monday, September 04, 2006


So folks I am coming to you from the great city of WuHan, the capital of the hubei province. From my office at the school I will be teaching at of all places. This place is nothing like I pictured it but it's very cool none the less. I am suprised at how friendly and helpful everyone has been after just one day, and the apartment we have been provided to live in is just incredible even by American standards. You would think that it wouldn;t be much but it's just amazing. This place reminds me allot of mexico in many ways, lots of people, big building everywhere, industry, people that have problems with money but drive cars they really can't afford. I suppose in some ways it's even like the states. In many ways I am not so unhappy to leave that rock behind for a little while, I feel in so many ways that this place has so much to offer. My first meal in china was in a room full of some of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life, and yes real chinese food is very different and often very very hot and spicy but for some reason you can't seem to stop eating it. did I mention the girls were hot, like really really smoking hot, like the end of a cigarette or perhaps even a cigar ... a good cigar like a churchill or something like that ... not quite the sun though that's reserved for icelandic chicks, but none the less hot. Joy and lilly have been great in helping us get our lives together down here, we must seem a little odd to them at times and they have been somewhat curious about what has been going on in the states and it's been great to be able to talk freely about it and not be accused of being some ex-patriot or somethign like that.
China seems to be a place full of people, people that realize there are allot of shitty things happening in the world and not all of those things are happening in china, they happen everywhere and many times in america. Many americans simply look at things that happen over there as "Common" or "The greater good" when in all reality it's just one big fuck up after another, it seems clear to me here that the people feel that things are worse elsewhere, they aren't great here but at least they aren't in some awful war or something like that. I walk down the street here and see other westerners with their children and such and they don't give me a second glance, and you know what, not many of the chinese do either and those that do seem very curious and un-afraid. It's a very nice feeling really, one that makes me feel at home, they don;t expect me to look like everyone else and seem to respect a little individualism rather than stiffeling it. Not a problem that a wear a handful of rings or have a couple tattoos, not a big deal at all, I'm an american and I'm expected to look different rather than run with teh pack, these people would just be offended if I tried to be like them, or even something I'm not.
Yes it is polluted, you can't really see the sun until about noon. You know it is kinda nice to go outside at 8 am and not have the sun glaring down on you though, however it so far has resulted in a sore throat and constant headache for me. I am told I will get used to it, I just hope it's soon before I get to teaching. First day is supposed to be on thursday, we'll just have to see how it goes. Talking with mom and dad this morning was really nice, yes it was this morning even though i spoke with you guys in the afternoon. In fact it was quite early and learning how to call the states from here isn't easy at all. We should be getting our internet situation taken care of soon and some type of PC situation as well, things are very affordable here and something temporary shouldn't be to hard. Anyhow this is all I can really say right now, I'm still trying to soak it in. Everybody back home would do well to visit us, I don't care what anyone there thinks or says. it will change your life for the better, love you all, talk to you all soon.