Thursday, November 23, 2006

Thanksgiving dinner

Thanksgiving dinner in China actually exists at that Italian restraunt called Gianos. They even had two turkey's!!! But when we got there every westerner in WuHan had to be there, so all the turkey was gone. But there was always Pizza and togetherness, had some ice cream with bailey's on it. I was expecting a shake but that was fine and a little less expensive, and really pretty good even though it was like 40 degrees outside. Even the Brits came to celebrate with us, and the Canadians, it was really nice that they came and celebrated an american holiday with us. Tom's bithday today and I was planning on taking him to Gianos but we went last night, so I dunno what I am going to do, that is if we get paid today and right now it's not looking like that. Seems like no one agrees with me on how the Chinese school system works here, I say something and just get dissagreed with, I think I am going to go back to not saying anything at all. If I am the only one that feels that way I have to be wrong, seems logical somehow. Not to much to say today I think I may update later tonight, looks like no internet for another week or so.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a good time and pizza is always good or most of the time. Kevin worked on my computer re-installing everything most of the day and evening yesterday. Norton can be a pain sometimes. I was just ignoring them because I knew it was going to take a long time and I didn't want to mess with it.
How is your cold and Tom's? It is best not to let it go on especially since it is getting colder outside. Kevin is having a time with his allergies or cold or whatever it is. He goes back to the doctor in a week or so. Take care.

9:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For-T D-grees...brrrrr. Maybe take Ola with you and go to a clothier, you're a middle class person...get measured and fitted. They might also know where to send you anyway.

2:01 AM  

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