Saturday, March 31, 2007

Tattooing is part of our culture

You know Tom and I are into tattoos and we watch this show called Miami Ink. It's on TLC if you have the channel you should give it a watch. One of the artists on the show is named Darren Brass, in one episode he mentioned that tattooing is one of the oldest art forms in our culture, he mentioned the same thing about graffitti, but that is a subject for another post. This made me think, there is evidence of tattooing on every continent, excluding the odvious ones. People have been getting tattooed all over the world as far back as our history goes and more and more people are getting them every day. At the rate it's going it won't be long before Kevin is sporting a couple. Think about it, that would be something that an alien culture would recognize about our species. We are a species in which a huge percentage mark their bodies with art and colors. I bet no one ever thought of that before.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Sorry Guys

Posts are getting to be few and far between, there is a lot going on right now, I'm just really busy with two jobs right now, I only have one day off, and it's getting so hot it's better to be in doors most days. Although, I hear we have a cold front coming in later this week though. Things have been very confusing lately as a lot of my friends are leaving China, I feel like I have just gotten used to these people being around and now they are gone. That is how it works here in China though. I promis I will give you guys a big update in a couple days.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

It's been a while

Sorry about my blog posts being few and far between these days, honestly I am just busy. I don;t have much time at work and when I get home I am either making dinner or just to tired to do more than play a game. So here are some updates, work is the same, it's the same every day. However, I will have the opportunity to go to WuHan university on saturday to see the cherry blossoms. The school is covering my trip there and such so I will have a light class load, only 2 classes and then I am off Sunday and Monday. Well i do have the one class on Sunday at EF so I am really only off on Mondays now. I finally got payed, it was nice to finally be able to withdraw some of those beautiful pink bills. Today I have 2 classes, then I am off for 2 hours, then 3 classes. Way to many if you ask me, it's hard top prepare for them all. Speaking of preparing for classes, I need to finish this up. ummmm still looking for a new apartment, and I haven't been playing music quite so much. I am writing again so that is good for me, I will try and update you guys more tonight.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

ooooooh a package

How exciting, this will be the second package we have recieved since being in this country. Payday is tomorrow and I am going to discuss sending some money home with Tom. Looks like I may get a refund on my taxes this year, but I am not sure how to go about cashing the check. I don't think I can make it payable to someone else, and I won't be there to cash the check, at least not for a while. I am hoping patrick has some idea on what to do here, I am processing my payment online. I do have a bank account here, but it isn't likely they will dump it there. It looks as though I am going to have to talk with the IRS and see what they suggest, idealy I would like that money to stay home and take care of a few outstanding debts anyhow. otherwise it will mean sending money home probably in another month. Anyway payday is tomorrow, it will be my first check at the new job so I am looking forward to having a bit of money for a while. BTW Dad, what exactlly is in said package, if it's just the arch supports I would be happy.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Getting paid

Hello all, sorry my upsdates have been few and far between, I have simply been busy up to date. It has been nearly 6 weeks at the new job, and in a few days on the 15th I will be getting my first paycheck. I have a few debts to pay back as I did have to borrow a substantial pile of dough to get through the month, not a big deal but still I would have liked to have one paycheck by now. One thing you can always be sure of around here is getting screwed when it comes to money, anyhow I am planning the purchase of a new Electric guitar, I have found one at a good price and my current one is falling apart to some extent. Speaking of instruments, I am thinking of getting into the world of MIDI instrumentation. One thing that holds me back musically as far as song writing goes is not being able to have the instruments I hear in my head. I am a guitarist as well, that is th einstrument I play best. It would be nice to make my guitar sound like a piano, or a sax, or ... anything as long as I can find a midi sample for it. I was wandering if granddad had any info 0n using your PC as a synthesizer. I can find hardware synth of course but this can be a little expensive to get into. So anywhere I can save money the better, anyway guys it's just a quick update. I'm ready to spend the rest of my day off in a cloud of ber and smoke.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Problems at work

You know, I really like the work at this new job better. However, they are so much less helpful on so many levels than my last job. They don't pay for taxi's, they don't provide meals, they don't provide much for an apartment I mean 1300 kuai a month won't give you more than a one bedroom hovel to live in. I am paid way less, and I get no health insurance, all in all the only positive thing is teaching adults, really.
One other thing I feel I should point out again is that I don't really speak Chinese people. So if work wants me to start a bank account on my own, that is kinda hard and I have to call on a friend. Chinese people typically are really busy with school and work so me calling in a favor on my day off may not work out for them, not to mention that there is always a language barrier. Anyhow I have to go to class now, sorry about not posting for a while guys. I will get my New Years Eve video up for you soon.

Friday, March 02, 2007


What is reality? I suppose the most simple definition that I can come up with right now is ... your situation. The people and places you intereact with, the situations you have to deal with in life, what you do for a living and how frustrating that thing is sometimes. Your friends and more so your family and what you will do to support them. Those types of things become peoples reality real quick.
But is that actually reality? Dunno I have a hunch that reality is really much more simple than we make it. Perhaps it's just being around, perhaps it's what we make it. I guess I don;t really have an answer to the question Pat.

Silly complaints

You know, one day you just realize that many of the things you complain about are silly and inconsequential to anyone but yourself. This may be one of the reasons that no one else can truly understand you.