Chinese Internet ... Bad laptop deals
I think that today I am going to talk about Chinese internet. It’s awful, not really that fast and in all honesty to limiting. The government is always blocking things or the internet café has to much security on their router or something like that. It’s odd, all of the internet connections in the world experience fluctuations in bandwidth but here it’s very fluxative. Literally your flying one second then standing still the next. Cafes are always full of these gamers that have no real business being there taking up valuable bandwidth but they are there all right. I’m not sure what exactly is the problem, I can do certain things from the school that I can’t do from the café, I’m sure it’s their router but at the same time the government just blocks random stuff, there is no ryme or reason to it, google will be blocked for like 20 minutes. They free up wikipedia for a couple weeks until someone really finds out what happened at Tiananmen Square. I say again that many of the people in this country feel free and that is fine as long as they don’t mind being ignorant. You know many of them don’t seem to feel that way, you know what, when I was going to come here Stoerm said that Chinese people will frustrate me to no end, and he was right. They sleep all the time, and I’m not kidding about that. If they have nothing better to do they’re sleeping, they know you can’t speak Chinese yet they seem interested in yelling at you in it to try and communicate the idea, They always try and make you pay more because you’re a westerner or they don’t give you the right change even when their register tells you how much you should get. It’s frustrating but at the same time these people are bad ass. They get work done quickly, they sleep all the time because they work nearly around the clock and just grab sleep when they can. I haven’t had any of them treat me really badly … well other than my students and cab drivers, most cabbies don’t even speak the dialect of mandarin I am learning. It just seems odd their internet is so bad. That is one thing I won’t miss about being here is the internet, I hate having to proxy everything to maybe get it working, sal there is to say right now I guess, got a laptop today so once I get it sorted I should be online a lot more from home. I hope Tom will get one soon, not having to worry about a pc anymore is a big weight off my shoulders. At the same time it seemed a little to good to be true, once I got an English version of windows back on it I had found that for purchase the laptops registry had been altered and in fact I had purchased a laptop that is over 8 years old and is in fact a Pentium 2 with 64 megs of ram. This sucks but at the same time at least I have something to use in the mean time, I can do simple things with it and get on line and it will do until I can afford something a little more substantial, I really can’t do my video editing or anything like that. I can just upload vids and such, I can finally do some writing and things like that but at the same time I got really ripped off 1500 Yuan <189> for this substandard piece of junk, and the really sad thing is that it did cross my mind but then I thought ot myself-there is no way this guy is that smart-, well I guess I learned my lesson the hard way, again. I may be forced to do some part time work to make up the extra cash, I don’t want to but the truth is I am already running low on the next paycheck and I haven’t even acquired it yet. I had to purchase an external CD rom since it’s a sub notebook and doesn’t have drives. And since it only has a 5 gig HD I am going to have to purchase an external HD, if those weren’t so useful I would be really pissed. Well I am really pissed, but hey if anyone out there makes poor decisions it’s me. I am to trusting and I think that’s one thing China is going to change about me very quickly. Buy electronics from an electronics store not off the street, no matter how good the price is. Tom must think I am a complete moron because of this, I guess there are ways this thing can come in handy, anyway guys kinda depressed and upset with myself. Maybe I will get some videos up later
Don't beat yourself up to much. We all make mistakes and all of us have been ripped off at some time or another.
Isn't your other tatoo a cartoon figure? I can't place it but I know I have seen it somewhere. It doesn't look bad in the picture.
I read today that the people are protesting the dog issue in a big way. I hope that they win in some manner. You can't even have a dog that is over 14 inches at the shoulder and you have to have the right card with you when they check your dog out or they take it away.
Kevin has been in Laredo almost all week and had to go again today to open a strip club. They one he can't stand. He is hoping that he will get to leave by 7pm. tonight so he can be home by 10:30.
I will miss you guys tomorrow and you both will be in our thoughts and prayers.
I had asked about the DVD grandpa made for you to take with you, but as yet I don't believe you said. You probably don;t even have a way to play it, but thought you might like to see yourselves a little guys, of course at Thanksgiving dinner. And your birthday, and the big old rubber boat with the little motor we put in the swimming pool. And Chan singing Happy Birthday, just for Tom.
I had asked about the Chinese money and the big leaf videos, which I could not find yesterday. Today they are right there? They were great. I don't see any of my comments, guess they are not coming through. Well, I tried.
Maybe you can find junk food with a Turkey flavor? How is the wok working out? Good, I hope.
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