Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Dogs ... My 2nd tattoo ... hot laptops ... DVD's From Home

Well, the dog issue is a big deal. Health care isn't great here, it's basically free, and curing rabies is expensive. It's easier to remove the problem than to produce the cure, besides this country is on it's way to a new future and their laws will need to be inforced at some point, even their laws in regards to dogs and cats. All the cops want to make sure of is that the Animal has had it's rabies vacinations and vacinations for any other human contagious diseases, this isn't unresonable, especialy when you have had a rabies epeidemic. Most of the dogs here in WuHan are small because smaller dogs eat less and in general are easy to care for, people with bigger dogs are usually wealthy. Come to think of it every guy I have seen walking a German Sheopard, Dalmation, or Chow has looked seriously rich. The United states puts thousands of animals a day to death, you just don't read about it in the paper because it's common practice. Ask Patrick if you like he used to work at a humane society and it's my impression that a number of animals were put to death daily and that is just on humane society. Think about all the humane societys in Austin or the greater RGV area, I wouldn't be surprised if the numbers were stagering.
My other tattoo is in fact an animated character, her name is Nanoka and she is from a series called Koi Kaze. You would have to be very open minded to watch this series and I won't get into it's subject matter here, but I will say that it's very controversial. The overall theme is a relationship that is very hard at times but in the end becomes one of the most beautiful relationships I have ever witnessed on screen. For me Nanoka sybolizes perserverence, love, and the fact that there is someone out there for everyone. I feel as though tattooing is something very personal, if someone doesn't understand the meaning it doesn't matter, as long as the wearer knows what it means to them. In a way it's the best journal one can keep, I look at my tattoos and I know where I was that day, I know who was with me, and what we talked about. I remember the pain and how it freed me from the pain of living for a while, gave my mind time to focus on other more important things. These times are burned into my mind, I'll never forget them.
The laptop has been helpful and it will save me money in the long run, I have been spending a lot on internet cafes, home based net should be a lot cheaper. It does very basic things, as long as I can get online and write it's fine. This should also give me a chance to play some of those classic gamers I loved like quest for glory and kyrandia and such. I am still looking for a better laptop but ti will have to wait a couple of months. It'll be a lot easier for me to afford what I want after I get my flight money back but perhaps in a couple months I will have something more permamnant. then tom can use this one fo ronline stuff for a while, or I can give it to Ola to do research with, she is a student after all.
As for the DVD Grandma made us, in all honesty I'm not sure we brought it. I think it was in Tom's posession, although it really doesn't matter because we were in such a hurry to leave that we ended up leaving behind more than we thought we would and I think somehow it wound up in the mix. We would love to have one though, so if perhaps one could be shipped to us it would be great. Oddly enough guys today is actually thanks giving here, it should be for you guys in a couple of hours, just trying to see if anyone is online dad is but isn't around. Was really hoping to have a voice chat, but oh well some other time. All of you have a safe happy thanksgiving and Christmas, we are going to a restraunt to celebrate after work so all is not lost. Haven't had much time for videos as it's been a little colder lately but I promis I will get some up for you soon.


Blogger Thomas said...

Just a little intensive thinking:

Since Thanksgiving isn't a celebrated, or recognized holiday here in China, is it really Thanksgiving during a time when it's not Thursday back in America? Or really is it even thanksgiving at all? Is the presence of Americans enough to symbolize or celebrate Thanksgiving, even if the country doesn't celebrate it? I don't know the answers, just things I've thought about recently.

4:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are right about the animals.
Kevin is not feeling well and will be over around 1pm and will probably stay most of the afternoon and I think your Dad and Mom will be over later today after going to your Grandparents, at least your dad is planning on it.
Interesting info on your tatoo and I know I have seen something I just don't know when or where. Enjoy your dinner and make it special.

11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Doug. It's just more in your heart than in the day in China. Christmas will probably be the same way too.



3:27 PM  

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