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Since the psychopath I used to work with can't seem to get his head far enough out of his own ass to occupy his time with something useful rather than giving me a hard time through comments I am simply going to disable the comment feature and turn this into a recording tool for future writing projects about China.
I mean since there will be no more comments I guess I can finally get this off my chest as it were. I have never felt more hatred towards a single person than the person that is commenting on this blog. Even still it's like being in high school constantly, this guy would yell and shout at me for things that I never did, were misconstrued and taken the wrong way because he's listening to people that don't really speak English. For example I never said that "McDonald's" was this persons house. However the student's did say that and admittedly I thought it was funny because this person eats McDonald's enough to kill a normal person. I don't know how it got turned aroudn that I said it but I fucking didn't. So when this jackass is all accusing me of it later I had already forgotten about it because it was irrelevant.
It's not my fault that your sources are fucked up, aside from that I just want to move on past this person and forget I ever knew him. However he seems very obsessed in a really unhealthy way, no one that knows this person really likes him. Most people can't even stand to be in the same room with the guy, he thinks people do, but it's more like people tollerate him because he flips out and no one wants to go through that.
Long story short, I'm sorry I am being herrased by some asshole who can't seem to get things through his thick skull. I hope he's happy that my grandmother prolly saw him call me a bunch of fowl names in comments, and now my family and friends can;t even comment on my blog.
My guess would be that this childish remedial shit is exactlly what he wanted to accomplish, and I guess he has done so as I just can't risk having the comments around. I would like to further point out that I have not mentioned this persons name, nor have I done any type of harrasing on his public domains because I am better than that, I also just don't give a fuck, get on with your life and leave me with mine man, no matter how pathetic you may think it is.
Not that it's any of your business but I am doing much better with my money these days, however I might pay a good deal of that money to see the LAPD shove a larg combersome object right up your ass, because with this childish bullshit attitude you have you deserve it man.
I have never met a more unprofessional, vile, awfull, stuck up, tap dancing around the issue son of a bitch, than this person. I was literally upset that this person was in this country representing the US.
So sorry family, you want to say something about the blog email me, or FB.
Nuff Said.
I mean since there will be no more comments I guess I can finally get this off my chest as it were. I have never felt more hatred towards a single person than the person that is commenting on this blog. Even still it's like being in high school constantly, this guy would yell and shout at me for things that I never did, were misconstrued and taken the wrong way because he's listening to people that don't really speak English. For example I never said that "McDonald's" was this persons house. However the student's did say that and admittedly I thought it was funny because this person eats McDonald's enough to kill a normal person. I don't know how it got turned aroudn that I said it but I fucking didn't. So when this jackass is all accusing me of it later I had already forgotten about it because it was irrelevant.
It's not my fault that your sources are fucked up, aside from that I just want to move on past this person and forget I ever knew him. However he seems very obsessed in a really unhealthy way, no one that knows this person really likes him. Most people can't even stand to be in the same room with the guy, he thinks people do, but it's more like people tollerate him because he flips out and no one wants to go through that.
Long story short, I'm sorry I am being herrased by some asshole who can't seem to get things through his thick skull. I hope he's happy that my grandmother prolly saw him call me a bunch of fowl names in comments, and now my family and friends can;t even comment on my blog.
My guess would be that this childish remedial shit is exactlly what he wanted to accomplish, and I guess he has done so as I just can't risk having the comments around. I would like to further point out that I have not mentioned this persons name, nor have I done any type of harrasing on his public domains because I am better than that, I also just don't give a fuck, get on with your life and leave me with mine man, no matter how pathetic you may think it is.
Not that it's any of your business but I am doing much better with my money these days, however I might pay a good deal of that money to see the LAPD shove a larg combersome object right up your ass, because with this childish bullshit attitude you have you deserve it man.
I have never met a more unprofessional, vile, awfull, stuck up, tap dancing around the issue son of a bitch, than this person. I was literally upset that this person was in this country representing the US.
So sorry family, you want to say something about the blog email me, or FB.
Nuff Said.
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