Monday, September 04, 2006


So folks I am coming to you from the great city of WuHan, the capital of the hubei province. From my office at the school I will be teaching at of all places. This place is nothing like I pictured it but it's very cool none the less. I am suprised at how friendly and helpful everyone has been after just one day, and the apartment we have been provided to live in is just incredible even by American standards. You would think that it wouldn;t be much but it's just amazing. This place reminds me allot of mexico in many ways, lots of people, big building everywhere, industry, people that have problems with money but drive cars they really can't afford. I suppose in some ways it's even like the states. In many ways I am not so unhappy to leave that rock behind for a little while, I feel in so many ways that this place has so much to offer. My first meal in china was in a room full of some of the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life, and yes real chinese food is very different and often very very hot and spicy but for some reason you can't seem to stop eating it. did I mention the girls were hot, like really really smoking hot, like the end of a cigarette or perhaps even a cigar ... a good cigar like a churchill or something like that ... not quite the sun though that's reserved for icelandic chicks, but none the less hot. Joy and lilly have been great in helping us get our lives together down here, we must seem a little odd to them at times and they have been somewhat curious about what has been going on in the states and it's been great to be able to talk freely about it and not be accused of being some ex-patriot or somethign like that.
China seems to be a place full of people, people that realize there are allot of shitty things happening in the world and not all of those things are happening in china, they happen everywhere and many times in america. Many americans simply look at things that happen over there as "Common" or "The greater good" when in all reality it's just one big fuck up after another, it seems clear to me here that the people feel that things are worse elsewhere, they aren't great here but at least they aren't in some awful war or something like that. I walk down the street here and see other westerners with their children and such and they don't give me a second glance, and you know what, not many of the chinese do either and those that do seem very curious and un-afraid. It's a very nice feeling really, one that makes me feel at home, they don;t expect me to look like everyone else and seem to respect a little individualism rather than stiffeling it. Not a problem that a wear a handful of rings or have a couple tattoos, not a big deal at all, I'm an american and I'm expected to look different rather than run with teh pack, these people would just be offended if I tried to be like them, or even something I'm not.
Yes it is polluted, you can't really see the sun until about noon. You know it is kinda nice to go outside at 8 am and not have the sun glaring down on you though, however it so far has resulted in a sore throat and constant headache for me. I am told I will get used to it, I just hope it's soon before I get to teaching. First day is supposed to be on thursday, we'll just have to see how it goes. Talking with mom and dad this morning was really nice, yes it was this morning even though i spoke with you guys in the afternoon. In fact it was quite early and learning how to call the states from here isn't easy at all. We should be getting our internet situation taken care of soon and some type of PC situation as well, things are very affordable here and something temporary shouldn't be to hard. Anyhow this is all I can really say right now, I'm still trying to soak it in. Everybody back home would do well to visit us, I don't care what anyone there thinks or says. it will change your life for the better, love you all, talk to you all soon.


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