Wednesday, September 06, 2006


All the walking kinda sux, it's good for us but the fact is it's about a mile to the nearest grocery store and carrying a bunch of groceries that far back through traffic that can be potentially fatal is rough sometimes. School is only a 15 minute walk, it's a nice walk too. Lets cover a little Chinese pricing while were at it. Soda comes in 2.25 ltr. Bottles here, one of those in a name brand will run you 6.80 yuan, divide that by 7.9 and yes, you get 2 and a quarter liters of Pepsi for 86 cents. Box of sugar cubes (Good Size) 4.80 yuan, yep 61 cents. It gets better and better, not to mention the advertising in china is just way better. Groups of gorgeous women on everything, it's really really good.
Everyone, I must point out that I keep getting requests for personal emails. I am here to inform you that sadly unless I need to ask any of you something specific this will not happen often, for one thing I'm working and don;t have internet at home yet. The only time I get online right now is here at the school and other people want to use these PC's. And if I get into sending a bunch of emails I won't update the blog, and that's important as I will be writing a book based on this blog. Secondly I know that many of you are going to have questions, I would rather you guys get a blogger account so you can just comment my posts, that way if your question has already been asked and answered no reason to ask. Now don't get me wrong of course I will send emails now and then, just don't expect it to be a common thing. I have also had requests for snail mails, sorry guys (you know who you are) but this won't happen, if you want to have a personal conversation send me an email and I will try my best to keep up with it. I am putting 40 miles on my feet a week as it is and I have no idea how to get mails out, nor do I want to pay for it, nor do I want to pay for a taxi to get to wherever I have to send it from. Sorry to be forward and potentially hurt feelings but that is just the way it is. A 2 lane street becomes a 4 lane street very easily here and the last thing I want to do is be crossing them any more than necessary. And again it's not that I won't do emails it's just that I won't do them about how things are going, do I like my job, how are my students, is it polluted? Guys shit like that is what this blog is for (I have prolly scared most of you away from even thinking of sending me an email at this point, but again not the point just don't ask me things you already know are here, again sorry to hurt feelings but I am a very busy person these days with a split schedule that's all over the place.
Now on to other matters, my first class is tomorrow afternoon, I'm almost terrified in a way. Some polish woman on the plane gave me a very nasty cold and I am really struggling with it, not to mention it's just hard to breath around here anyhow. I will only have a couple classes a day for a while but my teaching will work out to about 20 hours a week when all is said an done, a little more during the peak season (Only one day off then). If anyone wants to call the number is 87257822, you will have to look up how to call China because I really don't know and for Gods sake please use a calling card, this can get mighty expensive. Thomas and I are both off on Mondays and Tuesdays and remember 13 HOURS AHEAD!!! In a way we are in the future, so I am feeling really ill right now, I am being brought some meds later but I am going to go home for the night. Will be getting a digital camera soon and should begin to have plenty of pictures up, this place looks nothing like you would think, I'm sure you'll all be surprised. And remember "No matter where you go, there you are"
Love you all


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