Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

Guys I wanted to wish everyone a happy Halloween, enjoy yourselves tonight and don't do anything I wouldn't do. Not a big holiday here in china yet, but hopefully all the ABC's in America have a good time tonight as well. I now only have 11 days left in Zhengzhou and then I will be back in WuHan, I actually went home for an extended weekend and had a great time. Being in WuHan again was just wonderful by comparison, there will eb some Halloween celebrations there tonight as it's a little more developed city. I did get so bad news today, I will post on it soon, but for tonight everyone have a good time :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Attitudes of the Chinese

It seems that ever since I got to this country there is one constant, everyone wants to show you that they can say "Hello". In fact i have been said hello to more times just in the year being here then I ever was back in the US, when you try to take the conversation farther it more or less goes nowhere because the only thing they can say is hello. Often i think we feel that they may know how to say more, but the fact that we speak back to them and ask them questions in english really throws them off. There are also a ton of people who are very persistant about asking things about you, usually not in english. They literally want to know everything there is to know about you, but they are all programmed questions. How old are you?, where are you from?, are you married?, do you like chinese food?, do you like spicy food?, do you have a girlfriend, oh you do have a girlfriend? is she chinese?, how long have you been in china?, why did you come to china? The funnier thing is they are almost always in the same order, and they almos have the same line of thinking. If you have to teach the same class twice a day you can almost bet that the first answer in the first class is going to be the first answer in the second class. They also have a really bad habbit of talkign while your trying to eat.
"Like when we we were eating our BBQ tonight those people were asking us questions left and right, all we wanna do is eat our fucking food and have a beer after work. I mean how many times did you hear me say in both english and chinese that we don't speak chinese? Sometimes I feel like if people want to talk we should be charging 100 kuai an hour. I eventually told them we were aliens and we live on a UFO, because that's what we are to them. Sometimes people seem like nice people but they just don't understand. Everything they know is filtered, it's not like they are going to know about vietnam or any of the things western countries did to try and get rid of communism, their just not going to understand. I mean if you have a girlfriend, or your on a more intimate relationship with someone you can broach certain topics, but are we really going to do that with our students? No fucking way mate" WORKMATE
There is also an issue with noise and privacy, the hotel we are staying at is nice, nice rooms and such. But there is a serious problem with noise, it's like they are in their own little world and don't realize that there are 100's of other people in the building, they shut their doors loud, they argue in the hall outside of other peoples doors all times of the night.
"There are a lot of cliches coming to our respective countries. Don't trust Chinese people, don't trust chinese women, uncivilized. Some of these comments may be a little mean but they are based in fact, your walking down the street and people are spitting all over the place, peoples babies (not even babies all the time) piss and shit in the street. And what do you do? You just say Fucking China, turn up the MP3 player and Jog on. I mean if i was going to hang a bog in public it would have to be a pretty serious night. Go to their public toilets that will answer about 10 questions for you." WORKMATE
Certainly negotiating a contract here always has some loop holes in it as well, you can't really ever trust the people you work for or with. Most westerners are cool, but other chinese people are very difficult to work with. Our work ethics and ideals are very different usually.
"It's like doged right wing america 35 years ago don't you reckon?" WORKMATE
No one questions anything, they simply do what they are told, there is a very grin and bear it sort of mentallity, most chinese people see the recent youtube block as "Oh well, life goes on." where as there are westerners prepared to leave the country over it. And in many ways the govt expects everyone to just take what they are given, and most people seem very satisfied with doing that. In return it's as though every expat in the country has to put up with people being crude to say the least, now some places that are a bit higher in the food chain, Hong Kong for example and even WuHan to some extent are a bit less crude. it's really hard to describe it all in many ways.
In "Chinese peoples Eyes" westerners are lazy, wealthy, and have to much freedom. In many ways perhaps they are correct, but they seem to think the jobs that we come here and do are easy and they aren't. Teaching people a language is hard, even if you speak it well. There are the few odd foreigners who want to come here and have zero responsibillity, or take themselves way to seriously as far as their own work goes. I for one get really tired of these people being in this country representing my country. I think many chinese people feel this way about us, it's a stigma really in the end we are all the same with a few cultural differences. In some people's eyes I am a real shit person. Chinese people seem to feel that if your the type of person who loves freedom and not working your worthless, quid pro quo we aren't welcome all the time regardless of how "Backwater" this country is in some ways. They like to think they are becoming more western and developing and of course in many ways they are, at the same time they have a long long long long long long way to go. It's not so much the economy that needs to develop (Trust me they will gouge a westerner for all they can get), but it's really the mindset of the people that needs to change. learning is almost handed down, many of the things people learn are just archaic old tired ideas, not to mention all the crudeness that still exists. Traditions usually need to evolve but this isn't so in china
"I've met women who are 28 29 that have to be home by 10:00, they seem interested in you at times, but with a 30 minute ride home ...You really can't be an individual here, you have to do what your told." WORKMATE
My girlfriend as wonderful as she is :), does have to be home by 9:30 or so. She is a 22 year old woman, yet has a hard time understanding that she is grown up. it's hard to have a relationship when i get done with work at 9, she has travelled half an hour to come see me, and we can only spend half an hour together. Creativity is one of those things that is stiffled a well, there are a certain set of things that are accepted in china for people to do and anything out of the norm is well ... not accepted :(. If your fine with that then china is a great place to stay all your life, but right now there are so many young people trying to learn english in 6 months or less so they can flee the country and never come back, in general these people will not learn enough about western culture to get rid of their chinese ideals and be more than a student in a foreighn country, but what the hell 4 years in a different place is better than nothing at all, and who knows they just might have the fortune to get lucky and do something great with their lives in the process if they can learn and grow and ... er ... ummm ... evolve in some ways while they are away. Sadly many people I meet here fit the first catagory. "Oh i studied in the US for 4 years, but then my partents asked me to come back home because they needed me, or missed me." Again not really being able to loose the eastern ideals. I will continue this post and spell check tomorrow.

Sorry a day lat and a dollar short, to the guy who keeps posting comments about going to Korea. Your waisting your breath, I love my girl and I am staying here for now. If i go anywhere else it will prolly be Mexico as it would be close to home for me. Also stop talking bad about WuHan, Zhengzhou is a far shittier place and I would do anything to get back to WuHan. In fact I am spending 320 RMB just to go home for a day or so on the speed train. I mean you talk about Scumbags bedding women down and then have the balls to say the only reason your there is because your getting money and pussy. It makes you sound like a real hypocrit, it seems as though we may be looking for different things in our adventures abroad. I am glad that you have finally found your all important "Pussy and Money" but there are a few more things on the horrizon for me I would like to shoot for. With that said, I get what your trying to say man, it's just i've heard it all before. Your starting to sound like the kinda expat I would never wanna meet twice, preaching his ideals to everyone else instead of allowing them to make their own decisions, telling them they are wasting their time rather than allowing them to contemplate and think about a situation. You have said your piece more than once, comment about something else in the future.
One thing our mystery poster is correct about is the fact that most people are just discourteous out of shear ignorance. And yes many of them do have a dandruff/Lice problem especially those Shinjun BBQ guys who sell their meat during the day in WuHan. They seem to think it's funny to put their hat on you, never let them do that, you'll get lice without a doubt. Since many of them have a bad rep of being thieves and dope dealers it's best to just keep your distance until your meat is cooked. To me with the way the system works here it just seems as though there is no way these people can become westernized enough. I don't think many of them know that excessive spitting, or shitting or pissing in the street child or otherwise is considered uncouth. Hell i have even had to piss in the street here. All of thsi said many of these people seem quite happy, especially in a more civillized city like WuHan

"Hey doug you want some attitudes on the Chinese ."

website blocking

many people are claiming that they plan on leaving china as soon as possible due to the number of sites being blocked. This may seem like nothing to you guys back home, but a site like youtube to me is a very useful reasearch tool. Before I buy anything now I try and check it out on youtube if i can, or at least I used to. You guys know about the vids I put up there, feels like my nuts are in a vise. And Patrick there really isn't an official note so to speak, you just get page cannot be displayed where you didn't before. It's odd because certain parts of sites can be blocked as well not just the home page. You may be able to get to the main page but going anywhere from there results in PCNBD. For example, Blogspot, the site in which this blog is published has been unblocked for a couple of weeks, shortly after I finished this very post i noticed that it had been reblocked. One theory is that all websites will redirect to shitty local chinese sites sooner or later. For example whenever you put in it will take you to , china's result censoring search engine. The vise gets tighter and tighter. I have edited this post like 3 or 4 times within the last hour, must be some kinda record.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

"Why don't you ask the kids at TS, what it was that they were doing there?"

In my experience TS is not something you speak about openly. People that do like to talk about really want to know exactly what happened. Being that that was a long time ago for me and I don't feel comfortable researching it in China I have the luxury of saying I don't really know. Although that is a lie, i have been told enough by locals to remember more or less what it was about now. The govt. seems very nervous when westerners refer to it as a massacre, expats in china believe this is part of the reason for the you tube block right now. it may also have to do with the 17th anuall congress meeting in Beijing from what I have read put "youtube blocked in china" into google and find out everything you need.
Communism/Totalitarianism I have found is a very efficient type of govt in many ways, with people having less rights it's hard for them to complain about not having something they have never had. When the govt does screw up it's easy for them to just say "No we didn't!" and the people just say "Alright, besides who else are we supposed to trust, Each other?". Keep in mind that most forms of communism/Totalitarianism around today are not the pure Marxist form that it was intended to be. For example people own their cars and motorcycles here, at the same time I am sure the govt has the right to take them away from you if they wish. Communism/Totalitarianism works well in social centered societies where people do things for their people and their country. It would be unsatisfying in an individually centered society like the US. Think about it though, does the govt have so little control in the US these days? Last time I was there my freedoms felt infringed upon time and time again. I wonder though, why are things getting worse in china? When i first came here things weren't to bad, but now half the websites I like to go to are blocked? I'm not sure what's up but the fact of the matter is China wants better relations with the us, not just on an economic level but on a political level as well, but this is a very stubborn country and the idea that they are going to have to change the way their government works to be our ally leaves a very bad taste in their mouth. Hu JIn Tao is going to be the president in this country until 2012 so who knows it may be that long before china comes to realize a few things. As efficient as it can be Communism/Totalitarianism usually will fail dismally as not everyone is exactly cool with not owning their own stuff. here is a good site to study types of govt.
I found an amusement park of sorts in this town today, but it's still an over crowded shit hole I am going home next weekend to see my beloved little brother and girlfriend. Aside from that i need to pay back some money as other people had to cover my bills while i was here. I will only be there a day or two and then I'll be back here for two more weeks and then home for good. They brought another teacher from WuHan named Tas, he's Australian and I have seen him around Hankou a few times but this is the first time I have really met him. It's nice to be able to speak English at full speed again, i was going nuts trying to speak Chinese all the time. I need to increase my Chinese studies, I'm just shit with studying these days, i guess i have become lazy about it. Anyhow it's early in the day I may be back here at the cafe tonight. Anyone find any good video or audio streaming sites?

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Blocking of sites in china

It's really starting to get out of hand, it's like some kind of hobby that the govt has here. "Let's just pick a bunch of US sites and block them and see who we piss off." I mean today i try and go to, this site sells guitars. It's blocked!!!! What possible reason could they have for blocking it? I mean there are rumors that youtube is already back in some parts of china but the fact is ... it's not true!!!! I dunno who is spreading that rumor around on the net but I wish they would stop it. You know I really hate this, the internet is a big part of my life and it's getting to where proxy's won't even work. I hope all of this gets straightened out soon, it's getting to where there is almost no point to having the net at home. :(

Friday, October 19, 2007

this whole youtube thing

well guys, i am not sure what to tell you. Youtube has been blocked here, and as long as I am in Zhengzhou at least I won't be able to get to it. So that does in fact mean no new vids for a long long time. Something similar happend in Thailand, it was blocked for over three months. You know a lot of people in this country have no idea what happend at "TS" and the fucking govt doesn't want them to know. So when some joker gets the bright idea of putting the footage up on youtube he/she is doing a great deal to make it so all the expats over here can't watch or upload vids to youtube. I love youtube, this almost makes me want to get on a plane and come home. I tried putting some of my vids up on metacafe for you guys but they rejected half of them.
Zhengzhou still sucks, you know i have a lot of people telling me to move to korea, and all the people I know in china that have worked in korea say not to go there. FYI i don't go to clubs usually, and i don't get drunk that often, and since i don't know how to say the wrong things in chinese I am alright. However, he is right people have disappeared here without a trace. Most of those people did really bad things though, or really pissed people off. I don't think it would cost to much to have someone disappeared either if someone so wished it I know the city i am in right now is a total shithole in the the most populous and poorest province in the whole of the prc i don't need it pointed out. anyhow this youtube thing has me pissed off, later all.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

You tube blocked

You tube has been blocked again, so i have no way to upload vids now. I am sure that it is only temporary as it usually is. I always feel like I am somewhat at fault because of the content of some of my vids, but it is prolly just the amount of activity in the country all together that makes them block it. Anyhow unless I find a proxy that will let em send more content through I am down as far as vids go until they open it back up, which could technically be never.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Internet cafe

Found an internet cafe less than a block away from my hotel. I am back online, did some research on the city I am in called Zhengzhou. It is the sprawling metropolis of Henan province, it has about 7 million people (Wuhan has about 9-10 mil and seems like a bigger city, that's why this motherfucker seems so crowded.) People that come here really seem to like it but for the most part I really haven't seen much reason to. It's small, underdeveloped, and the people seem really rude sometimes. They also have a really awfull accent, it's hard to understand any of their chinese. I also see huge numbers of kids not going to school here just messing around on the street all day, this may be the reason for the minimal amount of english spoken. People simply have no education. It is also the capital of the province. Henan province is the same size as hubei more or less and it's very near beingjing so overall there are more people than in Hubei (That's where WuHan is, 126,000,000 in henan compared to 60,000,000 in hubei). anyhow i need to think about getting to bed.


I have already filmed some new vids from this city, but as I don't have a computer I am not going to be able to get them up right away. But i hope to get them up soon.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Already making arrangments

I have already made it quite clear that I have no intention of staying here more than the month, in fact I have already requested that they purchase my return ticket so I will have it in advance. I have talked to my boss in WuHan and made it very clear to her as well. There shouldn't be any problems with getting back, i came in today and found that they have hired an african gentleman so things are well on their way to running smooth here except that we only have three students for right now. Once the student base grows things should get a little better, i need to go and prepare for my classes now. hopefully I will have less of them with this new teacher being here, but my guess is that they are just going to schedule more classes.


So my boss pulls me into her office with her boss and the HR manager from Hankou. She says
"Lane you know that we started a new branch in Zheng Zhou"
I said "Yeah, you asked me if I wanted to go there yesterday for a month, and I said no."
She says: "Well we really need you to go because Seth is black, Jeff's leg is broken, and Christy is a woman."
"So you need me to go because I'm white and American?" (Jeff is half phillapino and doesn't appear to be caucasian to most chinese people, but he does have a broken leg as well)
She says "Yes that, but also we believe you are a good man, and you are the best teacher we have at NDI in WuHan. You have a lot of experience because you have been with us a long time. And the salary is really good." (Of course only about half of this is true)
"So how good is the salary?" I ask
"So you want me to move away from my home, friends, family, and my new relationship that is a little rocky right now for a whole month, and on top of that train a whole branch on how to do their jobs, and your only going to pay me 2,000 more than usual? That's only 200 USD it's not enough for what your asking me to do. When am i going to be leaving anyway, next month?"
"TOMORROW! You only even mentioned this yesterday! You expect me to get on a train and go to Zheng Zhou tomorrow for only 2 large more? you had better give me more all my bills are due while I'm gone and it's going to be a pain in the ass to get them all paid."
"I already tried to get you 7,500 but they said no."
"To bad I was thinking more like 10,000."
"Lane that's unresonable."
"To you maybe, i need more than 7,000, will you give me more annual leave?"
"How many more days do you want?"
"5 more"
(Talking amongst the group)
"They say they can give you 2"
"Make it three and cancel my last two classes today so i can make arrangments and I will go."
(More talking amongst the group)
"They say ok."

at 11 am the next day I was on a speed train traveling at 156 miles an hour to Zheng Zhou, three hours later I was here. I am living in a small hotel room for the next month, no one here speaks english, it's an awful little town with graffiti everywhere. I feel liek I am in a poor side of Mcallen or a really crowded part of brownsville. I have no computer and although they keep promising to help me rent one no one has done so, perhaps tomorrow. My shoes fell apart so I had to buy a new pair of cons, they look like the american flag so they are pretty cool. I took my laundry to get done by the hotel at 6 am picked it up at three and it had not been done as far as I coudl tell. Not only that it smells like cigs. I am planning a trip back to WuHan in a couple weeks to see everyone. I hate this fucking business trip so far.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Chinese Clubs

Ugh how dismal these places are, but somehow you always end up at one now and then. I went to a place called "Queens" last night. It has an egyptian theme with "Tom & Jerry" playing on the monitors. The music is the same bass driven dance music they have in every club, and it's actually tollerable until some westerner has them put their cd in, then it all just goes down hill. Chinese people love it though, and i know plenty of guys that will put up with it just because their girlfriend likes it, these places are usually packed with people dancing like crazy. Sometimes it's hard to be in the place all together. Anyway some dude thought I was gay and gave me half a bottle of whiskey when he left. Got a little to drunk for coming to work roday, but oh well you have fun when it's there not when it's convenient at times.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Error 691

So the technician comes by my house today, sits down at my computer, and begins to go on in chinese about how this isn't my problem. I reply that I know that, and that there was no point for him to come. Now there is a series of "Buck Passing" as to try and figure out why I can't connect to the internet. Long story short, I have been given a temporary username and password to try and connect with. I have serious doubts that this will work as my network icon seems lazier than usual, but i will give it a try in a few hours and see if it works. if it does that would point to a problem with my account. they don't seem to imply that i haven't paid, but this really feels like an account shut off, and no one else in the building is having a problem. I may end up switching internet companies soon, i get 691 with these people a lot but when the service is up it's really fast.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Internet down

The internet has been down at my apartment for days, it's error 691 so it's most likely the providers problem, this has happend before, but never for this long. I am afraid that until the net is back up I will only have access to the net at work, since I have no real way to use USB here I am afraid that my video posts will be on hold for a while. I will however still film them and put them up when I am back up. A technician wants to come out so it will be monday before i am going to even be close to being back up. 691 isn't usually a problem at the PC so he won't really be able to fix anything. I can still ping my own machine so DUN is still functioning and such. Apparentlly "I worked for microsoft for 2 years troubleshooting internet connectivity and I think the problem is on your end" doesn't mean much here. Anyhow I will be back on when I can.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Federation Credits

Federation credits aren't a physical thing, they are an electronic marker attatched to a person. When you purchase somethng with them they are simply deducted from your account. they don't even go through a bank from what I understand. By the 24th century gold is practically worthless, that goes for all the metals we find precious today. Gems however and Latinum do carry value, but only on non federation worlds IE: Bajor, Feringinar. Also fed credits can't be transferred to another person nor can they be exchanged for other forms of currency. I found a good page on the unofficial economics of star trek, check it out here it really seems like a great system. it's a quick read.

As for other things, I have had a good run of days off from work, things are back on track and going well with janice except for one thing. She doesn't like tom at all, and she can't seem to tell me why. This is causing problems as it's hard to do things as a group, so i end up doing things with the two of them alone, this works out alright but I have to do everything at strange hours and sometimes it means I am up really late, she gets a very strange vibe when it comes to him. Not sure why she likes my other phelandering friends and not him. Oh well, not sure what is going to be done about this, it will have to be straightened out eventually, but time will tell i guess. I have to prepare for my classes now, hope to update later if the internet is back up.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

For the Trekkies

Warning I use the word cock once, the word fuck once, the word shit many times, and although it may not seem to bad the word hole, and I think i say ass once to my rant on Star Trek enterprise my rant on the original series My rant on Next Gen my rant on DS9 My rant on Voyager Rant on star trek the animated series questions about federation economics

Thursday, October 04, 2007


As i believe I stated in the moving video, His landlord is simply ceasing the lease with his job. So for lack of a better term he has been evicted through no fault of his own. See the way it works with his job is a little different than they way it works with mine. They provide him an apartment and say "Here you can live here with another person until your done with your contract." or they can give you a very small housing allowance and just have you fend for yourself on the apartment, that is what tom is doing now. My job gives me a resonable allowance and lets me fend for myself. As far as peoples plans go patrick I can;t really tell you about Tom, I doubt Tom knows himself and anyone that knows him would know why I say that. As for me I don't see myself living in the US again full time for many many years. I will be back for a visit every year if I have my way, but that's about it. Tom and I were expecting to see you and Dad already, at least we thought you two were going to be coming this year. It's unlikely that I will have money to do any traveling before december or january. Janice and I plan to take a small trip during spring festival. Honestly I was a little dissapointed when you planned another trip this year as your very sincere letter at the airport said "Soon" that has been 1 year and one month ago, not that soon eh? Although I suppose it's better now as I have a girlfriend that speaks chinese and may be interested in traveling with us. not to mention other friends whose chinese is good. Just because I can speak some chinese here doesn't mean they will understand me in other provinces. So plans ... tell me what you want to do and I'll make some

Whole slew of new vids

I have put many new vids up on youtube, i told you guys earlier, but for those of you that had trouble finding them here they are. Enjoy and I would love some comments. DORITOS!!!!! on the bus getting ready to leave WuHan and travel to Fenghuang Stopped at an ancient city for breakfast on the way to Fenghuang small vid at a restraunt in Fenghuang where we ate lunch Boat trip on the river in Fenghuang Fenghuang's lights at night Interview with a couple chinese guys about snails Me talking about my trip Video of our old apartment, tom had to move out last night >FILMED LAST NIGHT< me demoing something I got in Fenghuang and talking about a new project of mine >FILMED LAST NIGHT< Part 2 of the above video Me Showing some of my instruments, i even play a little of the intro to purple rain >FILMED VERY EARLY THIS MORNING<