Friday, October 19, 2007

this whole youtube thing

well guys, i am not sure what to tell you. Youtube has been blocked here, and as long as I am in Zhengzhou at least I won't be able to get to it. So that does in fact mean no new vids for a long long time. Something similar happend in Thailand, it was blocked for over three months. You know a lot of people in this country have no idea what happend at "TS" and the fucking govt doesn't want them to know. So when some joker gets the bright idea of putting the footage up on youtube he/she is doing a great deal to make it so all the expats over here can't watch or upload vids to youtube. I love youtube, this almost makes me want to get on a plane and come home. I tried putting some of my vids up on metacafe for you guys but they rejected half of them.
Zhengzhou still sucks, you know i have a lot of people telling me to move to korea, and all the people I know in china that have worked in korea say not to go there. FYI i don't go to clubs usually, and i don't get drunk that often, and since i don't know how to say the wrong things in chinese I am alright. However, he is right people have disappeared here without a trace. Most of those people did really bad things though, or really pissed people off. I don't think it would cost to much to have someone disappeared either if someone so wished it I know the city i am in right now is a total shithole in the the most populous and poorest province in the whole of the prc i don't need it pointed out. anyhow this youtube thing has me pissed off, later all.


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