Monday, March 12, 2007

Getting paid

Hello all, sorry my upsdates have been few and far between, I have simply been busy up to date. It has been nearly 6 weeks at the new job, and in a few days on the 15th I will be getting my first paycheck. I have a few debts to pay back as I did have to borrow a substantial pile of dough to get through the month, not a big deal but still I would have liked to have one paycheck by now. One thing you can always be sure of around here is getting screwed when it comes to money, anyhow I am planning the purchase of a new Electric guitar, I have found one at a good price and my current one is falling apart to some extent. Speaking of instruments, I am thinking of getting into the world of MIDI instrumentation. One thing that holds me back musically as far as song writing goes is not being able to have the instruments I hear in my head. I am a guitarist as well, that is th einstrument I play best. It would be nice to make my guitar sound like a piano, or a sax, or ... anything as long as I can find a midi sample for it. I was wandering if granddad had any info 0n using your PC as a synthesizer. I can find hardware synth of course but this can be a little expensive to get into. So anywhere I can save money the better, anyway guys it's just a quick update. I'm ready to spend the rest of my day off in a cloud of ber and smoke.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sending you guys a package..going out tommorrow..3/14/07.

1:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As soon as I can get my computer at home back up I'll try to give you some specific stuff about synthing various instruments and playing them with your computer. There's actually a lot of good software out there for that sort of thing.
My computer is down because of some work we had to have done on the house - it should be back up en early April.


1:17 PM  

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