Monday, January 15, 2007

My mood has just changed

I am not depressed, I am disappointed
Antidepressants seldom help anyone
My mood changes because I don’t really appreciate being lectured about things that are painfully obvious to me, I have worked in two different countries with similar results, believe me I know. However I was very happy to see snow for my fourth time this morning

You guys want me to be a good little automaton and do as I am told, I’m sorry to be the square peg trying to get in your round hole but it is unlikely that I am ever going to be mister gung ho 3 piece suit ever again. It doesn’t pay off. For my taste it has taken way to long and I grow weary and tired of trying to feel good about myself and what I do. I could put up with it in the states because I had other methods of dealing with things, I don’t always have those same options here so I am subject to my own moral code a little more often.
Oh and I would appreciate it if you guys would refrain from suggesting I be on some type of pharmaceutical, some of you guys pop more pills than anyone I know. I can’t say that your better for it, I prefer to try and handle my problems on my own. Also don’t try and put off on me that it was a joke, it was offensive none the less. I have to go to this job interview now, will update later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wasn't joking or kidding around and some therapy would probably help you overcome some of those things that you just keep on repeating. Everyone can't be wrong in both countries and as far as fitting the stereo type I certainly do not expect you to do so. You may find however that if you shave the edges off of that square you may fit into that round hole and be comfortable and still retain your independence enough to get along in the world. As far as popping pills I do not know of anyone that does so. Your mom has other issues so she does not count. I know that someone with your superior knowledge doesn't need any help but maybe, just maybe you should think about it. I mean how is life working for you now! I do care about you but you need to realize that you could use some help and as far as attacking everyone who comments, maybe you should think about how we care about you and want to see you succeed. You can not use the time when you were 6 to judge things. What did you expect, regular salary! It was just to get some spending money and by law you were too young for anything else.
It is obvious to everyone around you that you could use some help dealing with past issues. When are you going to decide to take action and help yourself get over the past? Do it for yourself and for your future. What do you have to lose? By the way you do not have to ever speak to me again but remember that I do care and I always keep up with what is happening in China and around you.
Good luck on the job hunt and enjoy the snow.

5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem isn't the job or the is you. You keep looking for something to change your life...and you are looking in the wrong place. Quit blaming others and act like a man. All your problems are because of your attitude and behaviors. Change those and change your life.

10:09 PM  

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