Saturday, January 13, 2007


It has been a while since I posted anything; I just wanted to keep you guys updated on what is going on. Tom and I appear to have some form of the flu in all honesty we haven't been feeling very well so I haven't been venturing out in the cold all day to find work. I do however have a few leads and some Chinese friends looking into those for me, it can take 5 minutes to ask some of the staff one question in English so it's best to have Chinese people do it. I do still work at EF 1 night a week, it's just one class but at least it's some extra money. You know I saw a movie by Mike Judge recently called Idiocracy. The premise of the film was that people of lesser intelligence tend to reproduce faster because of several factors.
1. They just don't use protection, or take any precautions at all (I.E. the good ole pull out) when they do have intercourse. The guy almost always blames the girl when she does get prego. I know plenty of these people, my last girlfriend is exactly like this. They want pleasure without consequence
2. They are often unfaithful and sleep around with other not so intelligent people there by spreading their genes even further. People of greater intelligence tend to realize that having Kids is a huge decision and shouldn't be taken lightly, they Tend to be older parents, but is there really anything wrong with that.
3. The unintelligent people who sire the unintelligent children are going to keep them unintelligent because they always feel they don't need any more education than they had.
4. these type of people just don't seem to care about responsibility at all.

So in the film by the year 2505 the united states was populated by people with an average IQ of ... I dunno 50 or so. Like big dumb kids really, therefore someone of average intelligence (I.E. people like you and me, although some of you may be in the upper intelligence bracket. Hell i never put much faith in IQ's anyhow). Anyway so someone of average intelligence, if they were say in cryogenic storage for 500 years could potentially be the most intelligent person on the planet, a very interesting premise. Which brings up another good question, did Einstein feel like he was walking around with a bunch of idiots? After seeing this film I would be willing to bet he did, but simply had to let it go and learn to explain things in as laymen’s terms as possible, however if you listen to some of his recordings he is still way over our heads. I am not sure if this movie is out in the states, but it's pretty funny and worth a watch.

The Job hunt will go well; I should have new work by next week some time


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take care of that cold. We all have been fighting something for over a month here. Just can't shake it. I love the pictures that you and Tom are doing. You both will have some great pictures and stories to tell about China in the future. Stay warm...noticed that the couch is closer to the heater.

2:32 PM  

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