Dancing in the dark, walking through the park and reminiscing

Bailey and Nemo, Just how I want to remember them. Anyway guys I thought I would make a lengthy post today. I find that leaving my job poses a series of problems, one of which being I will prolly be in China 5 months longer than I really wanted to be. I was hoping to spend the Holidays with you guys, but it looks like that may not happen. The only way in which it might is if I can get the Time off and afford to come home before I really come home. I have no way of really knowing if my new job will cover flights until I get it, but a lot of these places just don’t do that. Having some time off to reflect has been nice, but I must find work soon, I won’t be able to get by on what I am making now. Most likely I will have to sign another one year contract, which will put me here into January of 2008, although I wanted to be here I was hoping it wouldn’t be that long a stint. Some time at home is necessary now and then.
I find I was working a little too much at EF, I would almost be happier making a little less money, this I am afraid will happen as EF pays very well. I had several things planned while being here but simply have not had the time, and I do still work at EF just one class a week. I feel they will be quite sorry when they need me to teach a little more and I can’t because I have other employment, oh well, in the end it’s their loss right.
Stoerm told me recently that he wished Chinese people would just “Speak their mind more often.” Personally I wish they would cut this out, it seems to me that is all they do. Perhaps not with each other, but with foreigners they never stop insulting you at times. I find I grow a bit tired of it really, but you get used to it and just chuckle a little. I get thanked all the time for “Helping with the Japanese.” During the war, as I have mentioned the Chinese tend to hold grudges longer than they really should. I don’t think it likely they will ever forgive them really, many Taxi drivers won’t even take a Japanese passenger anywhere; they just make them get out of the Taxi. It’s not really unfounded but it’s decades old. I make the point that the Japanese attacked my country too and in the end they paid for that, and that I have many Japanese friends. I usually get told “Ho w could you be friends with a Japanese person?” Or the subject just changes quickly. I know that there are Chinese women married to Japanese men here, but most of the time their husbands don’t live in the country. The woman that owns Giano’s for example is married to a Japanese guy, one of the nicest people I have ever met. I do have a Japanese friend here in WuHan but he is kinda hard to find and I don’t see him much.
I want to be with Carrie, badly. She is all I can think about at times, I am surrounded by beautiful women here that want to have nothing to do with me. It’s frustrating to think about at times, I have ceased my pursuit of a relationship. Ola seemed like a good find, but you just can’t count on the first one working out. It’s doubtful that Carrie will come see me at this point; I am not sure why I ever expected her too. :( Oh well I guess we just have to move on at times whether we want to or not. It’s funny really I’m pushing 30 and I am beginning to think about having a family a lot now, if I want to it will need to be soon I don’t want to have to work to long. Anyhow guys I have much to say but I think I will leave it for another time. Love you all
Doug I am sorry to hear you have lost your job...so how is it that you have 1 class a week? How many classes did you have previously? My thought would be to do an outstanding job on the one, and keep asking if they need any further help. I am sorry you are having such a problem dealing with having a job. It is a priviledge you know. How did the interview go you had set up for Thursday?
Yes, you must find work immediately, it's 2 weeks usually, before you get paid!
I remember when you came to Three-Eighty Systems at age 6, all dressed up in your 3 piece suit...to ask for a job. Grandma, I only need $1.00 a week, I can do all kinds of jobs, please can you give me a job? You had the right attitude then, what happened? How did you ever get the idea that the employee dictates the rules? That is just not the real world. The employer is in charge and knows what he needs from you, and you must do your best to deliver or the job does not last very long.
This should be painfully clear to you by now. Perhaps you can work on your approach, and most of all realize that you cannot change proceedures in a foreign country! Accept the situation and get going! I know you can, but you have to change your attitude about work! Everyone has to work to exist, find a way to like it and you will be much happier, and richer! When you reach the point that you know more than anyone else, then you will be the boss. Then you can set the rules and pamper yourself with how much or how little work you want to do! In the meantime, please dig in and do your best!
Imagine me having to work for my daughter? Now she is bossy, and has some pretty kooky ideas of how things ought to go, we've had some clashes and I had to accept the fact that I am no longer in charge. If I want to keep my job, I better shut up and start following her rules...so that is what I have tried to do. Boy, taking orders and criticisim from your own kid rubbed me the wrong way, but you just have to find a way to accept the situation.
Sorry this got so long, I hope you don't have to pay for answers?
Love you. Gramdma
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