Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Artificial arch's

I have been wearing arch supports in my shoes, even before I left china for about 3 months I wore them. They are not insoles really, just those red and blue Dr. Schols arch supports. Anyhow, I was able to work arches back into my feet. Stoerm has seen my feet recentlly and he could prolly tell you that they were almost completely gone, they seemed to have corrected a few problems, mainly foot pain and my ankles being so bad. I guess since my feet couldn't really support me my ankles had to do more. I had to kinda learn how to walk again as I had not been used to having feet that were in any kind of shape at all, it was really different but aside from the initial pain of my feet being reshaped by the supports I felt much better all around. However, there are a few setbacks that one must look at.

1. I almost always have to wear shoes now, with the supports in them. If I walk around to much without shoes, or bad footwear, or just leave my shoes off to long, my arch's start to fall. it is really quite painfull

2. The arch supports are only good for 6 months at a time, after that they aren't doing much supporting, ,therefore the archs start to fall again.

3. These aren't available in all countries, I can't find them here

So here is the point behind this post, Tom and I really need some of these arch supports. I am in pretty serious pain most of the time now and my right ankle is starting to sear with pain ocassionally as well, I am having a lot of trouble with my left knee, I believe this will lead to problems with my left ankle as well. You can get them at wal-mart, here is a link for what they look like http://www.drscholls.com/product.aspx?prodid=27. They are like 6 dollars a pair or something like that, they are red on the bottom, and blue on the top. We would be most appreciative and willing to reimburse whomever could send us a few pairs. More updates later, have you guys liked the videos?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I could do that...boot ya will probably get them from everyone now. I'll look for them...anything else....shirts L/S, or anything??

12:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, love the videos.

12:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like all of the videos that you and Tom do; they are informative.

5:24 PM  

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