Sunday, January 28, 2007

Just a little update

Hey all, it has been a while since I posted. I feel as though somehow I have burnt too many bridges, Dad won’t reply to my emails, and no one is commenting on my blog. So, I guess I am back to doing this blog as personal notes for my book. For one thing it’s amazing how offensive people seem to find honesty, it’s almost as though my family would prefer for me to lie about things all the time. The moment I am honest about something I become unpopular for weeks. For example, I think it’s a little strange how my Father has become so spiritual all of a sudden, it’s not my thing. That doesn’t mean I don’t love and respect my Father, he’s my Dad I’ll take him any way I can. I wish I would get real answers to my problems at times, “Put your faith in God” or an answer to this effect isn’t tangible to me. Putting your own shoulder to your problems is the only real way to handle them in the end.
I notice that Dad and Tom are still planning on doing the Vegas trip, the trip that I suggested and to some extent arranged. A trip that I will now no longer be able to attend; with the new job comes a new one year contract. I simply won’t be free at that time, I am going to try and take some time off between my contracts but that will be at a different time. I have a feeling that dad isn’t going to be able to come and see me now; I don’t see how he can afford to do so with things as tight as they are. If he can’t that is fine I suppose, I doubt he would like WuHan much anyway. I mean maybe he could still show up with Stoerm but I won’t be counting on it so much any longer.
Yeah I do give Tom a hard time about working, and I do so for several reasons. Tom has always been going on and on about the type of job that he wants, he isn’t really sure for one thing, but pretty much everything he has suggested to me comes with everything he is having to put up with right now. If he wants a high end 5 figure or even 6 figure salary he is going to be under stress, threatened, chewed out, all of those things he has a problem with now. He also talks about his job like a handful of other people don’t have to deal with exactly the same thing he does. I had to deal with those things and I got busted down to part time, and I do believe that if Tom does go home he is going to end up working at the call center and living with Mom and Dad again. He liked it that way, I liked not paying rent too, but that doesn’t mean it was right of me not to do so. Tom’s plans involve not working for a year so he can get financial aid; I know I wouldn’t get away with that. I have decided what I want to do with my life for right now and I am going to work towards continuing to be able to do that. I’m sorry Tom thinks I am being unhelpful but I don’t think he has looked at the reality of the situation. He will be coming home in 7 months, likely I will have nothing to tell about China that you haven’t already heard from him by the time I get back.
The job hunt is going well; I should have some paperwork to do in Hankou today or tomorrow and then a demo class and then a job. I will have earlier hours than Tom, prolly more classes, and busy weekends. We will be back to being equal in the working worlds eyes, I’m not overly excited about working myself. I really wish that I could just let Tom quit his job, or that he could move down to part time or something like that but it would be more work to make the money up otherwise. I still think these jobs are much less work than back at Echostar once you get into the rhythm. I still say being a teacher and accomplishing something in the classroom is very worthwhile. Anyway I am looking at a busy day, perhaps I will update later.


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