Monday, October 16, 2006

The Key Broke?

Yeah that does happen now and then, Tom was trying to open the door yesterday and the key seared off at the hilt and got stuck in the lock. There was an emergency that required entry so Tom managed to dig the keys blade out of the lock and we used mine to get in. This sucked because I had to go out and get a key made today, again one of these things that is easier said than done. There is this guy that sits in the little square across from Hong Shan Park. Took me a while to communicate what I needed, I was a little concerned when I saw him carving away at the new key by hand and figured it prolly wouldn't work, lucky me this guy is a craftsman. He was a little upset when I paid him 10 yuan all in coins though. You see there are bills for one Yuan and there are also Coins for 1 yuan. People hate the coins so whenever you buy something they always try and give you a few back as change, thusly people who get these are always trying to give them back to shops, because we hate carrying so much of them around. All I really did today I got a really bad headache that sent me to bed I only just got up.
Now a word on my old pal Nemo. At some point regardless of how much you may love one of your pets at some point you realize that you may not be doing them any good by having them. I came to this realization about Nemo. He as been on my mind allot lately because honestly I am not sure weather he is even still alive. A large part of having Nemo was me just wanting a dalmation, I liked him and all but I don't think I was ready for the responsibility a dog like that requires. He always had skin problems and frankly was a flea magnet, when his flea allergy was confirmed by our family vet I knew I was going to have continued trouble with him. As the years went by I had to watch Nemo decline from a beautiful fun loving guy that liked to pay fetch into some mutt that could only concentrate on how many fleas he had on him and how to get them off even at the sacrifice of his own fur and skin. His constantly wanted to come in but I had to battle fleas in my house once because of him and I wasn't about to do it again. Constant bathing just wasn't doing the trick, nor was treating the yard. I found a good home for Nemo but my father is untrustworthy in many cases and was unwilling to allow me to give him to a nice old Mexican lady that would have given him leftovers and tortillas every night, Nemo would have enjoyed that. Upon further reflection he was my dog and I should have just made the call, I love my Dad but I am a big boy. So time went on and I was going to be coming here and Nemo was just getting worse and worse and it got hot and the flea's were rampant again. I had allot to do and hadn't been doing more than feeding Nemo, so I looked in on him one day and he was in infested, he hadn't been eating, and Lex had no wish to be around him. I sensed trouble, but thought that he may just have gotten tired of the food so I went to the store and got him two pounds of meat, cooked it for him and let him in. Normally Nemo would have devoured this stuff but he just seemed uninterested and turned is nose up at it, I made him eat some but he just threw it up. I looked at some of his stools out in the yard the next day and they were awfully black, my fears were confirmed, it seemed somehow he had gotten parvo. This disease had killed one of our dogs before and was highly contagious. I had to make a decision, neither my parents nor I had the money to take him to a vet and get him treated, not to mention they would be asking me allot of questions about his general health. So I bathed him up as best I could and took him to the humane society. I figured on two things, one they would have ways to treat him assuming he wasn't to far gone, and Second if he did have to be put down it would be far better than dying a very slow death in my back yard. Guys I love/Loved Nemo and at some point you have to try and do the right thing, and I know my dad would have tried but frankly e has enough trouble with his own dogs and there is no cure for parvo short for an injection and that often doesn't work. They assured me tat they would have a vet look him over in the morning and if e had any hope of survival they would see what they could do, otherwise he would be humanely euthanised. I have no idea what Nemo's fate was and honestly when I signed him over to them he wasn't mine anymore, I can only hope that he is well and has found a new loving family that can take better care of him than I ever did. However if he was euthanised I at least tried to give him the best 6 years I could. So I hereby dedicate this post to my loving canines

Nemo if your still around and well good luck with the fam, if they have kids be good to them and I'm sure they will scratch you in all the places you like, I hope they have a deflated basketball for you to play with. Otherwise all dogs go to heaven buddy and I'll see you when I get there.

Lex, your a good girl. Thanks for keeping an eye on Dad for me and I can't wait to see you when I get home. Try and stay in the fence it worries me when you get out.

The h key stick on this board sorry about that.


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