Saturday, October 07, 2006

Sorry about earlier

Things got a little crazy at work today and I was really tired and frustrated. One of our teachers is out on vacation and I have had to take her classes, they suck. Can you imagine not being able to teach someone the concept of a birthday? Just not being able to convey the thoughts in any way that the people your trying to teach can understand. If i could just write the fuckinh pinyan on the board, it would solve everything. But no I have to use english at all times, funny enough this isn;t the best way to teach another language.
In the internet cafe again as we only have a teachers meeting and bowling tomorrow and then a couple more days off, i really need it to. Guys the truth is this is very hard work, and I knew it was going to be. There was never a doubt in my mind that this was going to be rough. Living in WuHan is cool but it's starting to become like living anywhere else, I get up, Go to work, get frustrated with work (far less so than before), go home, watch a movie with Tom and go to sleep. I work far more than 40 hours a week. These are all things I expected and frankly if I wasn;t somewhat wealthy here and hated the job more I might just come home.
The fact is, I like my job and as much as these little bastards dissrespect me and hate me at times, I know I am doing them some good most of the time. If they take one or two things away from my calsses and hold on to them, then it's better than nothing. It ahrdly matters if they pass their tests or not as the school won't fail them anyway, if they do that then they don't make any dough and they wouldn't want that to happen. So for the most part aside from the normal Bullshit I'm happy I suppose and I like where I am, I gotta run guys talk at you tomorrow.


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