Thursday, December 27, 2007

the nut house

Yes I would say this guy should be locked up away from society, he has made up so many things about me and tried to play the nice guy while being a complete asshole the whole time. In fact this is the type of person that may make me purchase a firearm when I get back to the states. He seems like the type of person who may show up on my doorstep some day just to call me a bitch or a cocksucker, or do something stupid like try and hurt me just because he seems to feel that I am the source of some of his problems. I have no idea what really set him off in the first place, I maintain that to this day. Just as long as I don;t have any more trouble from him the hour commute I have to do every day will be worth it.
The new school i work at is nice, a little less work, but farther away. This isn't really such a bad thing, as a friend of mine fro my Zhengzhou adventure lives in that part of town. Perhaps I could work out a way to spend some time with him there, but things are going to be rough for a little while, my schedule will rotate until the new year starts.
Christmas was ... well awkward. Tom actually summed it up pretty well in his post, Janice simply can not act resonable when she is around him. It is putting my relationship with my brother at risk. I am not sure what I am going to do about it, again the 24th is like tyhe biggest shopping day of the year here. I ended up having money problems again, but bought my chriustmas gifts before I realized the trouble, so I am having a bit of trouble getting through the next 10 days. Other than that, ay things cooooo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doug ...

That's quite a weird situation with that guy. I'm not sure why the school wants him around ... surely you have to be civil as part of a labor contract. I question the motives of your employer.

Here's a not very interesting story about China's currency in NYT.

Hope you have a great New Year's.


10:41 PM  

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