Friday, December 07, 2007


You know Saturday has to be my least favorite day of the week now, I start work earlier than most other days on that day. I worry about work a lot at night so usually I have only had a few hours of sleep, and I can't really stand most of the people I work with. They are lifelong expats that seem to think they are better than everyone else, and they never shut up. They have this annoying habit of talking to themselves or to each other about the most useless things I have ever heard people talk about. The last thing I want is to have an in depth discussion on the history behind "Grandma got run over by a reindeer" when I have only had two hours of sleep. Most of the time the other foreigners here are far more annoying than the locals, at least most of the locals don't want to be around you but are sometimes friendly and helpful. All I tend to get from other foreigners is this sickly attitude of superiority, or they ask me if I want to come to some expensive ass bar and play drinking games all night. Or any foreigner who has made his way onto that third rate network CCTV just oozes superiority, fucking sickening. I don't think I'm better than anyone else in this country, it seems to be the wrong attitude to have in this place.
China is actually a very good place for people who like to be alone, or hang out with one or two people. I am also not under the false impression that I am "Rich" by any sense of the word, I mean I have to borrow money by the end of the month usually. If I "Re Up" my contract I am going to be asking for more cash, I am glad I caught onto this early before I made the transformation into a "Douche Bag".
So some beggar came up to me today on the way to work with a monkey on a leash, this seems to be getting more popular in certain parts of Wuhan. I used to see it a bit more rarely, but it seems to be spreading a bit. My guess is that they are not welcome on big thoroughfares like Zhong Nan Lu, some of the monkey are in pretty bad shape, missing arms, legs, eyes. This monkey is all in one piece and she is a very pretty monkey, frankly I think she should be leading the guy around on the leash as she is doing all the work anyway. I have had to deal with this guy for weeks now, they always go after the foreigners because we are all "Rich", and I have told him I think he's a despicable human being and I have no interest in contributing to the ill treatment of my simian cousins. He comes up to me this morning, after two hours of sleep, knowing full well that I am not going to give him the time of day much less any money. He is pushing his "Beggar Bowl" into me pretty hard, so I shoved him away and started exchanging insults with the guy, some in Chinese, some in English. The monkey is freaking out doing flips like crazy and getting agitated, the "Boys in Blue" show up and more or less tell him that he needs to leave the foreigners alone and everyone else for that matter, and that he isn't welcome in front of the plaza. I get the feeling that they have told him this before, I expect him to be back tomorrow. Well gotta start work, later all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have to say that your day is quite different than mine. Although, there is monkey-like behavior in the apartment parking lot sometimes. lol.

Not good that you are borrowing money a lot. Re-examine your spending (non-necessities, of course) and tighten belt. sigh. I know I am pedantic about this, but there really is no other way just now. Skip Xmas presents, or do something modest.

Some weird news (or it is to me) ... might mention to Tom ... Compusa is going out of business after the holidays and will have some going-out-of-business "bargains". I usually don't care about casualties of business, but this reduces competition in hi-tech retail/internet commerce.

Later gator.


12:55 PM  

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