Western Union
Western union is the most popular method for getting funds back to the U.S. However you can onl;y convert 70% of your earnings, this makes sence as the other 30% goes towards bills and such, however China also would like it's Yuan to stay in the country ... understandably so. However there is a crux here as well, you have to transfer your funds to USD before it can be sent via western union. This isn't as tough as it sounds, but it's a long walk to do so, and there is a danger of fake bills. I don't see this as being a problem really since I'm going to walk right over to W.U. and send it. However there is some money lost in the trade and there is a fee for sending it, basically it's just hard and one of the biggest reasons I haven't sent money home yet. Everything involving money in China is just hard, getting paid, sending home, it's all tough. However in a couple checks we hope to get some cash home, we haven't been very respectful to Andy at gothom comics, who for all I know is still saving comics for us and loosing money. Not to mention if the money is in teh states I won;t really be able to touch it ... I love spending money.
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