It's a funny thing
I often wonder why Tom is more popular with everyone, I think being popular is a good thing, but at the same time I really wonder what draws people to him. I finally stumbled onto it, regardless of how much he would admit it Tom is kinda a conformist. He gets his hair cut regularly, dresses very plainly most of the time, accepts what he has to do at work, doesn't get tattoos. I would hardly say he is like everyone else, but on the surface it seems so. Girls really seem to like this, plus he is willing to slow down to nearly a crawl when speaking english and I am not. In my mind I don't really want to be with someone I can't really speak to, I always considered being different a really good way to attract people, but then again I really haven't had as much luck with this as Tom has. I know that there is an air of mystery about Tom that women seem to like as well, more than one has mentioned that to me. He is really a pretty simple guy, in a lot of ways he is kinda a geek. Really he is anti social and I think many people mistake this for mystery. Where as I used to be anti social and I have had to become social to meet people in life. I think what I am getting at is that it seems odd that the people that never try in life seem to reap all of the rewards, those that do try must be trying to hard because they get very little. Many say that if you are looking for somethign you will never find it, I suppose that is true.
Could it be that he does not shoot off his mouth and thinks before he comments about things....something that you do not do?
So Doug ... are you saying that Tom is a conformist AND is anti-social? There is something wrong with that picture.
Being the possibly strong and very likely silent type does have its attractions. But ... to each her own.
There is a place for conformity, particularly if it helps one achieve their goals, and certainly if it "works" in facilitating good relations/hips. As you allude to so well..Tom appears one way but retains his ideology. He chooses to relax his independance at work and in relationships. This does not make him a makes him approachable so that people will get to know HIM...not an attitude.
I admire an independant spirit...hell, I have been one. I pulled it off by having peoples respect. It is also important to be a team player; this can be taken as conformity, but really they are different. Don't go through life thinking you know more than everyone else, always be looking for what you can learn from others.
You two are different...look at what Tom does right and consider it. I'm sure Tom (I know he has)watched you and learned many valuable things. Look around, big brother, and be open-minded.
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