Thursday, December 07, 2006

In a bit of a pickle

I find myself in a bit of a pickle, I think many of my students will pass the classes but not many are going to come back ... so they tell me. Now i really like the salary and the pay schedual this job allows, and I'd like to keep working there just based on that. At the same time ... these kids, and they are only going to give me more classes. However i am not 100 % sure on how to go about getting a job here, i have ideas but nothing firm. I would like to find something other than teaching but that is virtually impossible with my lack of Chinese. Things are just going to have to play out, but one thing is for sure. I would rather them fire me than quit, if they fire me I don't have to pay any money back. If I quit, I will have to pay money back, besides as low as I am on cash right now I could use one more paycheck. I need to get some better internet gear and such if I can or it will be unbearable, at the same time I need money to support myself for a few months if I have to and If I am careful I could live quite a while on 4 large. Sorry the updates have become few and far between but the fact is a lot of my time is being taken worrying, I haven't had much to say other than that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just way the options. I can't see whats over there in Wuhan. Are there other English schools there? Have you talked to them (other companies of course)? Public schools, do they have English as a elective??


11:32 PM  

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