Thursday, April 03, 2008

A bunch of garbage

Well, I guess it's about time to update my blog, I have been MIA for a while, but a lot has been going on.
The problem involving my residency has been resolved but I had to borrow a substantial amount of money to do so, I am in a pretty deep hole, it's prolly going to be July before I am out of it. My plan this year was to save money, but by july I will be about 1/4 done with my contract so I'm not sure how much I'll be able to save.
My relationship is going alright, although she has moved back to her college until she graduates. It may not sound like a big deal but it takes about an hour to get there. She will graduate soon but we aren't really seeing much of each other right now, how long I am going to spend in this country more or less hinges on her so I would like things to progress a bit faster.
Although I avoided it for a year I wasn't going to get away with it forever. I finally got gout again, not the worst case of it ever, but it's pretty bad after having a year off. I am taking allopurinol to stop my bodys production of uric acid, but I can only take it for a short time. I can walk around normally but things still hurt pretty bad, especially at night. I have changed my diet as best I can ... lets see how it works.
You guys have all heard about the shit hitting China right now. To tell you the truth, I'm always a little concerned about the whole thing. You never know when there is going to be torrential flooding or a monsoon or something like that.
Currency keeps going up in value, I've heard that many countried aren't comparing their currencies to just the USD any longer. Lets hope the economic change coming with the new presidency will work out. I have to go guys


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